[vz-users] vzlogger schreibt nicht in Middleware - Fehler: "CURL Error from middleware: null expected"

Arkadius Dalek arkadius.dalek at gmx.de
Fr Mai 12 14:16:22 CEST 2023

Hallo zusammen,

habe einen Hichi USB-Lesekopf an RaspPi 3 zum laufen gebracht, mit DZG
Zähler DxS74. Ich möchte die Daten von der Middelware dann an evcc
übertragen, um den Zähler als Grid meter zu verwenden.

Die vzlogger.log Datei bringt mir den Fehler: "CURL Error from
middleware: null expected"


12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented

Der Einrichtungszähler liefert auch die beiden Werte Zählerstand und
aktuelle Leistung:


-s | jq .|cat -n
"version": "0.8.1",
"generator": "vzlogger",
"data": [
"uuid": "fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10",
"last": 1683888653431,
"interval": -1,
"protocol": "sml",
"tuples": [
"uuid": "a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c",
"last": 1683888653431,
"interval": -1,
"protocol": "sml",
"tuples": [

Habe auf dem RaspPi 3 vzlogger nach folgender Minimal-Installation drauf:

-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit HTML-Daten wurde abgetrennt...
URL: <http://demo.volkszaehler.org/pipermail/volkszaehler-users/attachments/20230512/495bf895/attachment-0001.htm>
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
 * vzlogger configuration
 * Use properly encoded JSON with javascript comments
 * Take a look at the wiki for detailed information:
 * http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/controller/vzlogger#configuration
 * For an online configuration editor refer to:
 * http://volkszaehler.github.io/vzlogger/

    // General settings
    "verbosity": 15,         // log verbosity (0=log_alert, 1=log_error, 3=log_warning, 5=log_info, 10=log_debug, 15=log_finest)
    "log": "/var/log/vzlogger.log", // log file, optional
    "retry": 0,            // http retry delay in seconds
    //"daemon": false,

    // Build-in HTTP server
    "local": {
        "enabled": true,   // enable local HTTPd for serving live readings
        "port": 8081,       // TCP port for local HTTPd
        "index": true,      // provide index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested
        "timeout": 10,      // timeout for long polling comet requests in seconds (0 disables comet)
        "buffer": -1        // HTTPd buffer configuration for serving readings, default -1
                            //   >0: number of seconds of readings to serve
                            //   <0: number of tuples to server per channel (e.g. -3 will serve 3 tuples)

    // Meter configuration
    "meters": [{
            // Example SML meter

            "enabled": true,               // disabled meters will be ignored (default)
            "allowskip": true,                  // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
            "protocol": "sml",              // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list
            "device": "/dev/ttyUSB1",       // meter device
            "aggtime": -1,                  // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds
            "baudrate": 9600,               //Baudrate des Zähler einstellen, siehe Datenblatt des Zählers
            "parity": "8n1",
            "use_local_time": true,

            "channels": [{
                //"api": "volkszaehler",      // middleware api, default volkszaehler
                "uuid": "fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10",
                "middleware": "http:/",
                "identifier": "1-0:16.7.0"       // OBIS identifier (alias for '1-0:1.7.ff')
                                            //   see 'vzlogger -h' for available aliases
                                            //   see 'vzlogger -v20' for available identifiers for attached meters
            }, {
                "uuid": "a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c",
                "middleware": "http:/",
                "identifier": "1-0:1.8.0",     // OBIS identifier
                "aggmode": "none",
                "duplicates": 0            // duplicate handling, default 0 (send duplicate values)
                                            //   >0: send duplicate values only each <duplicates> seconds
                                  //   >0: send duplicate values only each <duplicates> seconds
                                            // Activate only for abs. counter values (Zaehlerstaende) and not for impulses
            // {
              //  "uuid": "d5c6db0f-533e-498d-a85a-be972c104b48",
              //  "middleware": "http:/",
              //  "identifier": "1-0:2.8.0",    // OBIS identifier
                // "aggmode": "none",
                //"duplicates": 0



-------------- nächster Teil --------------
[May 12 12:40:34][]     Server stopped.
[May 12 12:40:34][]     Waiting for httpd to stop...
[May 12 12:40:34][]     httpd stopped
[May 12 12:40:34][]     Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
[May 12 12:40:34][]     deleted curlSessionProvider
[May 12 12:41:02][main] vzlogger v0.8.1 based on tags/v0.8.1-0-g0671359029 from Sun, 23 Apr 2023 15:16:41 +0200 started.
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
[May 12 12:41:02]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
[May 12 12:41:02]       Configure channel.
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...0ced10 api=volkszaehler id=1-0:16.7.0)
[May 12 12:41:02]       Configure channel.
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...42a90c api=volkszaehler id=1-0:1.8.0)
[May 12 12:41:02]       Have 1 meters.
[May 12 12:41:02][main] log level is 15
[May 12 12:41:02][main] local=1
[May 12 12:41:02]       Daemonize process...
[May 12 12:41:02]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
[May 12 12:41:02][push] No pushDataServer defined.
[May 12 12:41:02][]     ===> Start meters
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Meter connection established
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Meter thread started
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Config.local: 1
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] Logging thread started
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api.
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] Logging thread started
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api.
[May 12 12:41:02][http] Starting local interface HTTPd on port 8081
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
[May 12 12:41:02][]     Startup done.
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270118.40 ts=1683888062456
[May 12 12:41:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1880.15 ts=1683888062456
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1880.15 ts=1683888062456)
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270118.40 ts=1683888062456)
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] compare: 0 1683888062456
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] compare: 0 1683888062456
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#0)
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: Sent 33 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 33 out of 33 bytes
[May 12 12:41:02][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 0
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:02][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#1)
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[May 12 12:41:02][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 1
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:02][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:03][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270118.90 ts=1683888063455
[May 12 12:41:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1881.02 ts=1683888063455
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1881.02 ts=1683888063455)
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270118.90 ts=1683888063455)
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] compare: 1683888062456 1683888063455
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] compare: 1683888062456 1683888063455
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] copied 2/2 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] copied 2/2 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#2)
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL: Sent 69 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:03][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 69 out of 69 bytes
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 2
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:03][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#3)
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL: Sent 64 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 64 out of 64 bytes
[May 12 12:41:03][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 3
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:03][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:03][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/ mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:03][fde8f1==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:03][a8da01==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:03][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/ mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:03][fde8f1==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:03][a8da01==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:04][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/ mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:04][fde8f1==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:04][a8da01==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:04][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:04][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270119.40 ts=1683888064455
[May 12 12:41:04][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1884.15 ts=1683888064455
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1884.15 ts=1683888064455)
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270119.40 ts=1683888064455)
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] compare: 1683888063455 1683888064455
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] compare: 1683888063455 1683888064455
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] copied 3/3 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] copied 3/3 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#4)
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL: Sent 108 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:04][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 108 out of 108 bytes
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 4
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:04][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#5)
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL: Sent 95 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:04][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 95 out of 95 bytes
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 5
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:04][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:05][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270119.90 ts=1683888065455
[May 12 12:41:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1882.17 ts=1683888065455
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1882.17 ts=1683888065455)
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270119.90 ts=1683888065455)
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] compare: 1683888064455 1683888065455
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] compare: 1683888064455 1683888065455
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] copied 4/4 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] copied 4/4 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#6)
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL: Sent 147 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:05][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 147 out of 147 bytes
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 6
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:05][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#7)
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL: Sent 126 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:05][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 126 out of 126 bytes
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 7
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:05][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:06][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270120.40 ts=1683888066456
[May 12 12:41:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1883.20 ts=1683888066456
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1883.20 ts=1683888066456)
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270120.40 ts=1683888066456)
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] compare: 1683888065455 1683888066456
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] compare: 1683888065455 1683888066456
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] copied 5/5 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] copied 5/5 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#8)
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL: Sent 174 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:06][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 174 out of 174 bytes
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 8
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:06][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#9)
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL: Sent 157 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:06][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 157 out of 157 bytes
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 9
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:06][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:07][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270121.00 ts=1683888067455
[May 12 12:41:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1882.80 ts=1683888067455
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1882.80 ts=1683888067455)
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270121.00 ts=1683888067455)
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] compare: 1683888066456 1683888067455
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] compare: 1683888066456 1683888067455
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] copied 6/6 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] copied 6/6 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ], [ 1683888067455, 18>
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#10)
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL: Sent 201 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ], [ 1683888067455>
[May 12 12:41:07][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 201 out of 201 bytes
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 10
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ], [ 1683888067455, 10270121 ] ]
[May 12 12:41:07][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#11)
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL: Sent 186 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ], [ 1683888067455, 10270121 ] ]'
[May 12 12:41:07][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 186 out of 186 bytes
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 11
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:07][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:08][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:08][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270121.50 ts=1683888068456
[May 12 12:41:08][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1884.87 ts=1683888068456
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1884.87 ts=1683888068456)
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270121.50 ts=1683888068456)
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] compare: 1683888067455 1683888068456
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] compare: 1683888067455 1683888068456
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] copied 7/7 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] copied 7/7 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ], [ 1683888067455, 18>
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#12)
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL: Sent 240 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ], [ 1683888067455>
[May 12 12:41:08][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 240 out of 240 bytes
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 12
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ], [ 1683888067455, 10270121 ], [ 16838>
[May 12 12:41:08][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#13)
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL: Sent 217 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ], [ 1683888067455, 10270121 ], [ 1>
[May 12 12:41:08][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 217 out of 217 bytes
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 13
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:08][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:09][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:
[May 12 12:41:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=10270122.00 ts=1683888069456
[May 12 12:41:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=1880.42 ts=1683888069456
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1880.42 ts=1683888069456)
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=10270122.00 ts=1683888069456)
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] compare: 1683888068456 1683888069456
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] compare: 1683888068456 1683888069456
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] copied 8/8 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] copied 8/8 values for middleware transmission
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ], [ 1683888067455, 18>
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#14)
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL: Sent 279 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 1880.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888063455, 1881.02 ], [ 1683888064455, 1884.1500000000001 ], [ 1683888065455, 1882.1700000000001 ], [ 1683888066456, 1883.2 ], [ 1683888067455>
[May 12 12:41:09][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 279 out of 279 bytes
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 14
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ], [ 1683888067455, 10270121 ], [ 16838>
[May 12 12:41:09][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL:   Trying
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 8081 (#15)
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL: Sent 246 bytes: '[ [ 1683888062456, 10270118.4 ], [ 1683888063455, 10270118.9 ], [ 1683888064455, 10270119.4 ], [ 1683888065455, 10270119.9 ], [ 1683888066456, 10270120.4 ], [ 1683888067455, 10270121 ], [ 1>
[May 12 12:41:09][http] Local request received: method=POST url=/middleware.php/data/a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c.json mode=(null)
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 246 out of 246 bytes
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL: Received 16 bytes: 'not implemented
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 15
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: null expected
[May 12 12:41:09][chn1] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous failure

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