[vz-dev] vzlogger: Segmenation fault

Mario Zachmann mail at mariozachmann.de
Sun Apr 29 14:43:51 CEST 2012

Hallo zusammen,

versuche den vzlogger auf einem iconnect auszuführen. Leider bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung "Segmentation fault".

Könnt ihr mir sagen, was hier schief läuft bzw. wo die Fehlermeldung verursacht wird?

Viele Grüße,

root at iconnect:/etc# vzlogger -f -v20 --config /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:30:51]       Start parsing configuration from /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:30:51][mtr0] New meter initialized (protocol=sml, connection=/dev/tty                       USB1, interval=0)
[Apr 29 14:30:51][ch0]  New channel initialized (uuid=...cc370a middleware=http:                       //localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:30:51][ch1]  New channel initialized (uuid=...7c4bd9 middleware=http:                       //localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:30:51][ch2]  New channel initialized (uuid=...431773 middleware=http:                       //localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:30:51]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
Segmentation fault
root at iconnect:/etc# vzlogger -f -v20 --config /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:34:04]       Start parsing configuration from /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:34:04][mtr0] New meter initialized (protocol=sml, connection=/dev/tty                       USB1, interval=0)
[Apr 29 14:34:04][ch0]  New channel initialized (uuid=...cc370a middleware=http:                       //localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:34:04][ch1]  New channel initialized (uuid=...7c4bd9 middleware=http:                       //localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:34:04][ch2]  New channel initialized (uuid=...431773 middleware=http:                       //localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:34:04]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
Segmentation fault
root at iconnect:/etc# vzlogger -f -v20 --config /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:34:49]       Start parsing configuration from /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:34:49][mtr0] New meter initialized (protocol=sml, connection=/dev/ttyUSB1, interval=0)
[Apr 29 14:34:49][ch0]  New channel initialized (uuid=...cc370a middleware=http://localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:34:49][ch1]  New channel initialized (uuid=...7c4bd9 middleware=http://localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:34:49][ch2]  New channel initialized (uuid=...431773 middleware=http://localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:34:49]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
Segmentation fault
root at iconnect:/etc# vzlogger -f -v20 --config /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:35:22]       Start parsing configuration from /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:35:22][mtr0] New meter initialized (protocol=sml, connection=/dev/ttyUSB1, interval=0)
[Apr 29 14:35:22][ch0]  New channel initialized (uuid=...cc370a middleware=http://localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:35:22]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
Segmentation fault
root at iconnect:/etc# vzlogger -h
Usage: vzlogger [options]

  following options are available:
        -c, --config            configuration file
        -o, --log               log file
        -d, --daemon            run as periodically
        -f, --foreground        do not run in background
        -l, --httpd             activate local interface (tiny HTTPd which serves live readings)
        -p, --httpd-port        TCP port for HTTPd
        -v, --verbose           enable verbose output
        -h, --help              show this help
        -V, --version           show version of vzlogger

  following protocol types are supported:
        onewire         Dallas 1-Wire sensors (via OWFS)
        random          Random walk
        s0              S0 on RS232
        sml             Smart Meter Language

vzlogger 0.3.1 - volkszaehler.org logging utility
by Steffen Vogel <stv0g at 0l.de>
send bugreports to http://bugs.volkszaehler.org
root at iconnect:/etc# vzlogger -f -v 20 --config /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:37:48]       Start parsing configuration from /etc/vzlogger.conf
[Apr 29 14:37:48][mtr0] New meter initialized (protocol=sml, connection=/dev/ttyUSB1, interval=0)
[Apr 29 14:37:48][ch0]  New channel initialized (uuid=...cc370a middleware=http://localhost/volkszaehler.org/htdocs/middleware.php obis=0-0:0.0.0*0)
[Apr 29 14:37:48]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
Segmentation fault
root at iconnect:/etc#

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