[vz-dev] iskra mt171

Mirko Hirsch maillist at mirkohirsch.de
Wed Dec 12 19:00:10 CET 2012

for keeping it easy you can send 000 and stay at 300bps.

010 - 600
020 - 1200
030 - 2400
040 - 4800
050 - 9600

Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 12.12.2012 um 18:41 schrieb Jakob Hirsch <jh at plonk.de>:

> Ralf Löhmer, 11.12.2012 20:44:
>> When you start with 300 bps, you get back the meter's answer
>> "/ISk_*5*_MT171-0xxx<\r><\n>"
>> The _*5*_ means you can go on with 9600 bps.
>> But before switching to 9600 bps send with 300 bps
>> _<ACK> 050 <CR><LF>_    this is (hex 06 30 35 30 0D 0A) and it means :
> Does this actually work? With 050 I get no reply at all, with 040 I get
> the data, but still with 300 bps. I always thought this is because the
> MT171 is a very limited device...

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