[vz-dev] iskra mt171

Jakob Hirsch jh at plonk.de
Wed Dec 19 09:49:38 CET 2012

Henry van Gestel, 18.12.2012 15:18:
>>> the apt-get didn’t gave me the wanted results.
>> If you post the output of apt-get and of iskra2.pl, I could tell you
>> what's wrong.
> I temp removed /home/pi/lib/perl5... ( lib made with Cpan termios)
> result when ./iskra2.perl is started:
> Can't locate IO/Tty.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /home/pi/lib/perl5

So you need IO::Tty, which you can install with "apt-get install
libio-tty-perl" (which will actually libio-pty-perl, but this contains

But I just noticed that I was wrong about libio-termios-perl, it is not
in the debian repos, so built it on my own. Sorry about the fuzz.
So for testing, your way is probably ok.

> When running with ## at 76 and 110 output is not consistent:
> 13:13:20.501 data: '!^B!^@^B^@  ^F^P^@@(^A\n' (21 5e 42 21 5e 40 5e 42
> 5e 40 20 20 5e 46 5e 50 5e 40 40 28 5e 41 0a)

It looks like the serial communication is flawed.
Did you read the wiki entry?
It says the MT171's IR signal is quite low, so you should reduce R3 in
the IR head.

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