[vz-dev] Siemens TD3511 mit Protokoll D0
Thomas Schenkel
thomas.schenkel at freenet.de
Fri Dec 13 11:33:02 CET 2013
Hallo Sebastian,
habe den Quelltext verändert ... /dev/ttyAMA0 durch /dev/ttyUSB0
dann habe ich es mit
gcc -o test test.c
chmod 755 test
dann ausgeführt:
... nix .. das promt kam einfach wieder.
Am 13.12.2013 11:00, schrieb Sebastian Michel:
> Hallo Thomas,
> das Testprogramm kannst du dir selber kompilieren.
> Quellen sind hier:
> http://semiworks.de/~semi/test.c
> Gruß
> Sebastian
> Am 2013-12-13 10:39, schrieb Thomas Schenkel:
>> Hallo Sebastian,
>> ich mache alles was Du willst ;)
>> Gibts Deinen Sourcecode schon irgendwo zum download oder nur über die
>> diffs?
>> Welche Quelle lag diesem denn zu Grunde? Vielleicht kann ich da auch
>> noch ein wenig rumbasteln. Würde gerne ein bisschem mehr
>> debugmeldungen haben wollen (sendet der MT174 überhaput was während
>> vzlogger läuft etc.), aber meine cpp-Kenntnisse sind nur rudimentär
>> (Wirtschaftsinformatikstudium 1996) und danach nur im Marketing
>> gearbeitet ;-)
>> Aber die Idee mit dem Testprogramm ist super. Vielleicht finden wir es
>> so. Ist schon leicht deprimierend...
>> VG
>> Thomas
>> Am 13.12.2013 10:31, schrieb Sebastian Michel:
>>> Hallo Thomas,
>>> sieht wohl so aus als ob es nicht geht :-)
>>> Dann helfen nur noch tracing Ausgaben. Oder ich schick dir heute
>>> abend mal mein kleines Testprogramm. Das macht genau wie der
>>> vzlogger die Schnittstelle auf und stellt sie ein, schickt die
>>> pull-sequenz und gibt dann einfach alle empfangenen Daten aus.
>>> Gruß
>>> Sebastian
>>> Am 2013-12-13 10:22, schrieb Thomas Schenkel:
>>>> Hallo Sebastian,
>>>> ich habe mal laufen lassen ...
>>>> pi at raspberrypi /usr/local/bin $ sudo vzlogger.seb -c
>>>> /etc/vzlogger.conf
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol d0.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][d0] pullseq len:5 found
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] Meter configured. enabled
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49] New meter initialized (protocol=d0)
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49] Configure channel.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...beebd6
>>>> protocol=volkszaehler id=1-0:1.8.0)
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49] Have 1 meters.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][main] foreground=1, daemon=1, local=1
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49] NOT Daemonize process...
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49] Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][] ===> Start meters.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] Meter connection established
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] Meter thread started
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] meter is opened. Start channels.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][chn0] Logging thread started
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][http] Starting local interface HTTPd on port 80
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][] Startup done.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][mtr0] Config.local: 1
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api.
>>>> Running as daemon: yes
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][chn0] Using default api:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:29:49][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:00][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:00][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:00][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:00][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:00][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:00][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:00][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:11][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:11][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:11][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:11][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:11][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:11][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:11][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:22][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:22][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:22][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:22][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:22][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:22][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:22][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:33][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:33][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:33][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:33][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:33][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:33][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:33][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:44][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:44][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:44][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:44][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:44][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:44][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:44][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:55][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:55][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:55][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:55][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:55][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:55][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:30:55][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:06][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:06][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:06][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:06][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:06][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:06][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:06][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:17][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:17][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:17][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:17][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:17][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:17][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:17][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:28][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:28][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:28][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:28][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:28][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:28][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:28][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:39][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:39][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:39][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:39][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:39][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:39][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:39][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:50][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:50][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:50][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:50][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:50][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:50][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:31:50][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:01][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:01][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:01][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:01][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:01][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:01][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:01][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:12][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:12][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:12][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:12][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:12][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:12][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:12][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:23][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:23][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:23][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:23][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:23][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:23][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:23][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:34][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:34][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:34][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:34][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:34][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:34][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:34][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:45][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:45][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:45][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:45][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:45][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:45][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:45][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:56][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:56][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:56][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:56][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:56][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:56][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:32:56][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:07][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:07][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:07][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:07][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:07][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:07][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:07][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:18][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:18][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:18][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:18][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:18][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:18][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:18][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:29][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:29][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:29][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:29][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:29][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:29][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:29][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:40][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:40][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:40][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:40][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:40][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:40][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:40][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:51][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:51][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:51][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:51][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:51][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:51][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:33:51][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:02][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:02][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:02][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:02][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:02][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:02][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:02][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:13][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:13][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:13][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:13][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:13][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:13][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:13][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:24][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:24][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:24][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:24][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:24][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:24][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:24][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:35][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:35][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:35][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:35][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:35][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:35][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:35][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:46][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:46][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:46][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:46][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:46][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:46][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:46][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:57][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:57][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:57][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:57][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:57][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:57][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:34:57][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:08][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:08][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:08][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:08][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:08][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:08][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:08][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:19][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:19][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:19][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:19][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:19][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:19][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:19][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:30][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:30][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:30][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:30][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:30][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:30][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:30][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:41][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:41][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:41][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:41][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:41][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:41][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:41][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:52][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:52][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:52][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:52][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:52][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:52][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:35:52][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:03][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:03][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:03][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:03][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:03][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:03][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:03][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:14][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:14][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:14][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:14][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:14][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:14][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:14][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:25][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:25][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:25][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:25][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:25][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:25][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:25][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:36][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:36][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:36][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:36][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:36][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:36][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:36][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:47][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:47][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:47][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:47][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:47][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:47][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:47][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:58][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:58][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:58][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:58][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:58][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:58][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:36:58][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:09][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:09][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:09][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:09][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:09][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:09][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:09][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:20][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:20][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:20][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:20][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:20][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:20][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:20][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:31][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:31][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:31][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:31][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:31][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:31][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:31][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:42][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:42][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:42][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:42][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:42][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:42][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:42][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:53][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:53][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:53][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:53][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:53][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:53][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:37:53][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:04][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:04][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:04][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:04][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:04][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:04][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:04][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:15][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:15][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:15][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:15][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:15][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:15][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:15][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:26][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:26][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:26][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:26][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:26][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:26][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:26][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:37][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:37][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:37][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:37][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:37][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:37][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:37][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:48][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:48][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:48][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:48][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:48][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:48][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:48][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:59][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:59][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:59][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:59][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:59][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:59][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:38:59][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:10][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:10][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:10][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:10][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:10][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:10][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:10][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:21][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:21][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:21][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:21][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:21][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:21][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:21][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:32][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:32][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:32][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:32][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:32][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:32][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:32][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:43][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:43][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:43][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:43][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:43][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:43][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:43][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:54][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:54][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:54][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:54][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:54][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:54][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:39:54][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:05][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:05][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:05][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:05][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:05][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:05][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:05][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:16][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:16][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:16][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:16][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:16][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:16][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:16][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:27][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:27][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:27][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:27][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:27][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:27][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:27][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:38][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:38][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:38][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:38][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:38][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:38][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:38][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:49][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:49][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:49][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:49][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:49][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:49][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:40:49][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:00][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:00][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:00][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:00][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:00][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:00][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:00][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:11][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:11][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:11][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:11][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:11][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:11][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:11][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:22][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:22][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:22][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:22][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:22][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:22][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:22][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:33][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:33][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:33][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:33][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:33][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:33][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:33][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:44][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:44][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:44][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:44][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:44][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:44][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:44][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:55][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:55][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:55][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:55][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:55][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:55][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:41:55][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:06][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:06][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:06][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:06][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:06][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:06][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:06][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:17][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:17][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:17][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:17][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:17][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:17][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:17][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:28][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:28][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:28][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:28][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:28][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:28][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:28][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:39][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:39][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:39][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:39][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:39][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:39][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:39][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:50][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:50][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:50][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:50][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:50][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:50][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:42:50][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:01][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:01][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:01][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:01][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:01][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:01][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:01][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:12][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:12][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:12][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:12][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:12][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:12][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:12][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:23][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:23][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:23][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:23][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:23][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:23][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:23][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:34][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:34][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:34][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:34][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:34][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:34][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:34][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:45][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:45][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:45][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:45][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:45][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:45][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:45][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:56][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:56][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:56][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:56][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:56][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:56][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:43:56][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:07][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:07][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:07][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:07][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:07][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:07][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:07][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:18][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:18][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:18][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:18][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:18][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:18][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:18][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:29][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:29][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:29][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:29][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:29][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:29][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:29][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:40][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:40][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:40][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:40][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:40][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:40][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:40][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:51][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:51][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:51][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:51][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:51][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:51][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:44:51][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:02][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:02][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:02][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:02][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:02][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:02][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:02][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:13][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:13][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:13][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:13][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:13][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:13][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:13][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:24][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:24][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:24][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:24][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:24][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:24][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:24][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:35][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:35][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:35][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:35][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:35][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:35][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:35][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:46][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:46][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:46][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:46][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:46][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:46][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:46][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:57][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:57][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:57][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:57][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:57][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:57][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:45:57][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:08][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:08][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:08][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:08][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:08][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:08][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:08][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:19][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:19][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:19][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:19][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:19][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:19][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:19][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:30][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:30][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:30][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:30][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:30][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:30][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:30][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:41][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:41][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:41][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:41][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:41][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:41][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:41][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:52][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:52][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:52][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:52][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:52][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:52][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:46:52][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:03][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:03][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:03][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:03][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:03][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:03][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:03][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:14][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:14][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:14][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:14][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:14][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:14][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:14][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:25][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:25][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:25][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:25][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:25][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:25][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:25][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:36][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:36][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:36][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:36][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:36][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:36][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:36][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:47][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:47][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:47][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:47][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:47][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:47][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:47][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:58][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:58][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:58][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:58][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:58][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:58][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:47:58][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:09][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:09][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:09][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:09][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:09][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:09][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:09][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:20][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:20][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:20][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:20][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:20][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:20][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:20][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:31][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:31][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:31][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:31][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:31][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:31][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:31][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:42][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:42][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:42][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:42][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:42][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:42][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:42][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:53][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:53][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:53][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:53][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:53][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:53][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:48:53][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:04][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:04][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:04][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:04][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:04][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:04][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:04][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:15][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:15][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:15][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:15][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:15][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:15][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:15][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:26][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:26][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:26][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:26][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:26][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:26][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:26][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:37][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:37][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:37][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:37][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:37][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:37][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:37][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:48][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:48][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:48][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:48][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:48][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:48][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:48][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:59][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:59][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:59][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:59][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:59][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:59][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:49:59][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:10][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:10][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:10][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:10][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:10][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:10][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:10][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:21][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:21][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:21][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:21][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:21][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:21][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:21][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:32][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:32][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:32][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:32][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:32][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:32][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:32][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:43][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:43][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:43][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:43][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:43][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:43][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:43][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:54][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:54][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:54][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:54][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:54][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:54][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:50:54][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:05][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:05][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:05][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:05][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:05][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:05][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:05][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:16][d0] nothing received for more than 10 seconds
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:16][d0] Something unexpected happened: read:378!
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:16][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:16][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:16][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send
>>>> now.
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:16][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0 keep=0): {}
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:16][d0] sending pullsequenz send (len:5 is:5).
>>>> [Dec 13 09:51:27][d0] nothing received for more than
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