[vz-dev] [vz-users] Funktionsweise vzlogger
udo1 at gmx.net
Wed Aug 27 00:26:11 CEST 2014
Hallo Andreas,
Am 26.08.2014 13:20, schrieb Udo1:
> Am 26.08.2014 13:15, schrieb Andreas Götz:
>> Und läuft auch?
> Muss ich erst testen.
Soweit ja. Ich konnte aber nur s0 und d0 testen. Habe leider keinen
Ich musste die vzlogger.conf noch etwas ändern. Neue Datei anbei.
Was mir aufgefallen ist:
Wenn "daemon" = false, dann kommt bei d0 die Meldung:
"Something unexpected happened: read:501"
Dabei werden auch keine Daten an die middleware gesendet und
entsprechend auch keine Anzeige im Frontend.
Bei s0 tritt das nicht auf.
-------------- next part --------------
* vzlogger configuration
* use proper encoded JSON with javascript comments
* take a look at the wiki for detailed information:
* http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/controller/vzlogger#configuration
"retry": 30, /* how long to sleep between failed requests, in seconds */
"daemon": true, /* run periodically ; if "false" then foreground, if "true" then daemon */
"verbosity": 5, /* between 0 and 15 */
"log": "/var/log/vzlogger.log", /* path to logfile, optional */
"local": {
"enabled": false, /* should we start the local HTTPd for serving live readings? Must be "false" for sending data to middleware */
"port": 8080, /* the TCP port for the local HTTPd */
"index": true, /* should we provide a index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested? */
"timeout": 30, /* timeout for long polling comet requests, 0 disables comet, in seconds */
"buffer": 600 /* how long to buffer readings for the local interface, in seconds */
"meters": [
// Example for sml-Meters
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored (default) */
"protocol": "sml", /* see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available protocols */
// "host": "http://IP:Port", /* if you send the device-data via YPORT etc. */
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0", /* if you get the device-data directly from USB-Port */
"channels": [{
"uuid": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"middleware": "",
"identifier": "power" /* alias for '1-0:1.7.ff', see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available aliases */
}, {
"uuid": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"middleware": "",
"identifier": "counter"
}, {
"uuid": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"middleware": "",
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.0" /* see 'vzlogger -v20' for an output with all available identifiers/OBIS ids */
// Example for S0-Impulse-Meters
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored */
"protocol": "s0",
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0", /* if you get the device-data directly from USB-Port; dont use vzlogger for Udo's extension, use s0vz */
"aggtime": 300, /* aggregate all signals and give one update to middleware every 300 seconds */
"aggfixedinterval": true, /* round all timestamps to middleware to nearest aggtime */
"channel": {
"identifier": "Impulse", /* s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power" */
"uuid": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"middleware": "",
"aggmode": "SUM" /* add all s0 intervals in the aggregation */
// Example for d0-Meters
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored (default) */
"protocol": "d0", /* see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available protocols */
// "host": "http://IP:Port", /* if you send the device-data via YPORT etc. */
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0", /* if you get the device-data directly from USB-Port */
"parity": "7E1", /* oder 8N1 */
"baudrate": 9600, /* oder 300 */
// "pullseq": "2F3F210D0A", /* Pullsequenz in 'hex' */
// "ackseq": "063030300d0a", /* Antwortsequenz auf Zaehlerantwort,063030300d0a = 300bd, 063035300d0a = 9600bd */
// "baudrate_read": 300, /* Baudratenumschaltung auf gewuenschte Baudrate, abhaengig von Zaehlerantwort */
// "aggtime": 20, /* in Sekunden */
// "aggmode": "AVG", /* Mittelwert fuer Leistung, "MAX" fuer Zaehler, "SUM" fuer Counter */
"interval": 6, /* Wartezeit in Sekunden bis neue Werte in die middleware uebertragen werden */
"channel": { /* Beispiel-channel */
"uuid": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"middleware": "",
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.1" /* alias for '1-0:1.8.1', see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available aliases */
// Examples for non-device protocols
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored */
"protocol": "random",
"interval": 2,
"max": 40.0, /* has to be double! */
"min": -5.0, /* has to be double! */
"channel": {
"uuid": "bac2e840-f72c-11e0-bedf-3f850c1e5a66",
"middleware": ""
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored */
"protocol": "file",
"path": "/proc/loadavg",
// "format": "$i $v $t", /* a format string for parsing complex logfiles */
/* arbitrary text and whitespaces are allowed, see 'scanf()' */
/* at least $v has to be used */
/* $i => identifier, $v => value, $t => timestamp */
"rewind": true, /* reset file pointer each interval to the beginning of the file */
"interval": 2 /* of ommitted, we will try to listen on changes with inotify */
// Example for Flukso-based sensors
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored */
"protocol": "fluksov2",
"fifo": "/var/spid/delta/out",
"channel": {
"uuid": "3b4da450-42a8-11e1-8b8d-c526d853edec",
"middleware": "",
"identifier": "sensor0/power" /* or "sensor2/consumption" e.g. */
// Examples for MySmartGrid as middleware
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored */
"protocol": "d0", /* see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available protocols */
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB2",
"interval": 2,
"resolution": 2000,
"channels": [{
"protocol": "mysmartgrid", /* use MySmartgrid as middleware protocol */
"type": "sensor",
"uuid": "01234567-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdefe",
"secretKey": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"interval": 300,
"middleware": "https://api.mysmartgrid.de:8443", /* identifier for measurement: 1-0:1.8.0 */
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.0", /* see 'vzlogger -v20' for an output with all available identifiers/OBIS ids */
"scaler": 1000 /* d0 counter is in kWh, so scaling is 1000 */
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored */
"protocol": "sml", /* see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available protocols */
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"interval": 2,
"resolution": 2000,
"channels": [{
"protocol": "mysmartgrid", /* use MySmartgrid as middleware protocol */
"type": "sensor",
"uuid": "01234567-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdefe",
"secretKey": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"interval": 300,
"middleware": "https://api.mysmartgrid.de:8443", /* identifier for measurement: 1-0:1.8.0 */
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.0", /* see 'vzlogger -v20' for an output with all available identifiers/OBIS ids */
"scaler": 1 /* sml counter is in Wh, so scaling is 1 */
"enabled": false, /* disabled meters will be ignored */
"protocol": "s0", /* see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available protocols */
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB1",
"interval": 2,
"resolution": 2000,
"channels": [{
"protocol": "mysmartgrid", /* use MySmartgrid as middleware protocol */
"type": "sensor",
"uuid": "01234567-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdefe",
"secretKey": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"interval": 300,
"middleware": "https://api.mysmartgrid.de:8443", /* identifier for measurement: 1-0:1.8.0 */
"identifier": "counter",
"scaler": 1-0 /* s0 counter is in Wh */
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