[vz-dev] Fwd: Volkszaehler on bookworm

dominic at spreitz.de dominic at spreitz.de
Mi Mai 8 09:13:08 CEST 2024


leider hat auch ein composer reinstall das Problem nicht behoben.



pi at raspberrypi:~/volkszaehler.org $  /usr/bin/php /var/www/volkszaehler.org/vendor/bin/ppm start -c /var/www/volkszaehler.org/etc/middleware.json --cgi-path=/usr/bin/php
Read configuration /home/pi/volkszaehler.org/etc/middleware.json, modified by command arguments.
| bridge                    | HttpKernel               |
| host                      |                |
| port                      | 8080                     |
| workers                   | 8                        |
| app-env                   | dev                      |
| debug                     | 0                        |
| logging                   | 1                        |
| static-directory          |                          |
| bootstrap                 | PHPPM\Bootstraps\Symfony |
| max-requests              | 1000                     |
| max-execution-time        | 30                       |
| memory-limit              | -1                       |
| limit-concurrent-requests |                          |
| request-body-buffer       |                          |
| ttl                       | 0                        |
| populate-server-var       | 1                        |
| socket-path               | .ppm/run/                |
| pidfile                   | .ppm/ppm.pid             |
| reload-timeout            | 30                       |
| cgi-path                  | /usr/bin/php             |
Starting PHP-PM with 8 workers, using StreamSelectLoop ...
--- Worker 5502 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5502 ...
--- Worker 5505 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5505 ...
--- Worker 5501 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
--- Worker 5503 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
--- Worker 5504 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5501 ...
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5503 ...
--- Worker 5506 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
--- Worker 5507 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5504 ...
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5506 ...
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5507 ...
--- Worker 5508 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5508 ...
--- Worker 5502 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
--- Worker 5503 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5503 ...
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5502 ...
--- Worker 5501 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
--- Worker 5505 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5501 ...
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5505 ...
--- Worker 5508 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5508 ...
--- Worker 5504 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5504 ...
--- Worker 5506 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5506 ...
--- Worker 5507 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5507 ...
--- Worker 5506 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5506 ...
--- Worker 5503 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5503 ...
--- Worker 5502 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
--- Worker 5501 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5502 ...
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5501 ...
--- Worker 5508 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5508 ...
--- Worker 5504 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5504 ...
--- Worker 5505 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5505 ...
--- Worker 5507 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5507 ...
--- Worker 5506 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5506 ...
--- Worker 5503 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5503 ...
--- Worker 5502 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5502 ...
--- Worker 5501 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5501 ...
--- Worker 5508 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5508 ...
--- Worker 5504 stderr ---
Uncaught Exception: Symfony Kernel class was not found in the configured locations. Given: '\AppKernel'
Application bootstrap failed. Restarting worker #5504 ...

> Daniel Lauckner <vz at jahp.de> hat am 08.05.2024 08:28 CEST geschrieben:
> Hallo,
> am Samstag, 4. Mai 2024 um 20:26 hat dominic at spreitz.de geschrieben:
> > Anbei mein composer.lock
> Ist identisch mit meiner. Von daher kann ich nicht nachvollziehen was da schief läuft.
> Ich würde an der Stelle ein "composer reinstall" versuchen.
> mfg Daniel

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