[vz-users] WIKI
Henry van Gestel
henry.van.gestel at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 20:05:53 CET 2012
Hai Ralf,
YEs I got something from the meter with attached perl script running on
raspberry pi.
with debug on I got on both meters (I have 2, one meter actual use and
one for PV)
attension to the small "k"
I saw the other mail.
And now I try by changing or modifying the script to get something more
out of the meter!!
It takes a lot of hassle but I hope it will be succesfull.
maybe you have some advise in relation to the script?
Op 12/12/2012 7:23 PM, Ralf Löhmer schreef:
> Am 11.12.2012 15:07, schrieb Henry van Gestel:
>> Hai Ralf,
>> I got your name from the Volkszaehler board.
>> Maybe you can help me, if I was informed you use also ISKRA mt171 meters.
>> Did you manage to get it working with Volkszaehler vzlogger and Udo´s
>> IR heads.
>> I have a raspberry Pi with all the software ( is working)
>> Regards
>> Henry van Gestel
> Hi Henry,
> what I understood yesterday, was, that you already get an response from
> the counter with 300bps.
> Is that ok?
> And did you see the mails in the dev - mailinglist?
> rl
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# Zaehlerabfrage fuer Zaehler nach Protokoll IEC 62056-21 / OBIS
# Ein Anfrage-Telegramm ist mit 300 Baud, 7 Bit, 1 Stoppbit
# und gerader Paritaet zu senden. Das ist der Initialmodus von Geraeten,
# die das Protokoll IEC 62056-21 implementieren.
# Ein Wechsel der Geschwindigkeit ist umgesetzt.
# Basis des Scripts von volkszaehler.org / Autor: Andreas Schulze & Bugfix: Eric Schanze
# DPT9 sub: makki / www.knx-user-forum.de
# Baudwechsel: panzaeron / www.knx-user-forum.de
# Erweiterung um RRD,KNX-Anbindung und gezielte Wertsuche auf Wiregate:
# JuMi2006 / www.knx-user-forum.de
# Version: 0.1.6
# Datum: 16.08.2012
use warnings;
use strict;
use RRDs;
my $device = "/dev/Zaehler_HZ"; #Port
my $rrdpath = "/var/www/rrd"; #Pfad fuer RRDs
my $counterid = "test"; #Grundname fuer RRDs
my $baudrate = "auto"; #Baudrate fuer Zaehlerauslesung "auto" oder 300,600,etc
my %channels = ( #Obis-Zahl => Gruppenadresse
"16.7"=>"12/1/1", #akt. Leistung
"32.7"=>"12/1/11", #Spannung L1
"52.7"=>"12/1/21", #Spannung L2
"31.7"=>"12/1/10", #Stromstaerke L1
"51.7"=>"12/1/20", #Stromstaerke L2
"71.7"=>"12/1/30", #Stromstarke L3
"72.7"=>"12/1/32", #Spannung L3
"1.8.1"=>"12/1/0" #Zaehlerstand gesamt
my @countermodes = (5,15,60,1440); #Aufloesungen fuer COUNTER RRDs in Minuten (1440 = Tagesverbrauch)
my $debug = 0;
#Je nach Geschwindigkeit andere Befehle an Zaehler senden
my %speedrate = (
my %speedrate_auto = (
my %baud = (
### Anfrage Senden ###
my $id = qx(echo '\x2f\x3f\x21\x0d\x0a' | socat -T1 - $device,raw,echo=0,b300,parenb=1,parodd=0,cs7,cstopb=0);
my $speedcode = substr($id,4,1);
my $ack = $speedrate{$baudrate};
### Zählerkennung auswerten - Geschwindigkeit ermitteln ###
if ($baudrate eq "auto")
$ack = $speedrate_auto{$speedcode};
$baudrate = $baud{$speedcode};
$ack = $speedrate{$baudrate};
if ($debug==1){print ($id,"\n")};
if ($debug==1){print ($baudrate,"\n")};
select(undef, undef, undef, 1);
### Abfrage starten ###
my @buffer = qx(echo $ack | socat -t1 - $device,raw,echo=0,b300,parenb=1,parodd=0,cs7,cstopb=0; socat -T 1 - $device,raw,echo=0,b$baudrate,parenb=1,parodd=0,cs7,cstopb=0 );
if ($debug==1){print (@buffer,"\n")};
foreach (@buffer)
foreach my $obis(%channels)
my $obiskey = $obis."\(";
if ($_ =~ /\Q$obiskey\E/)
$_ =~ m/[^(]+\(([^*]+)\*([^)]+)/;
my $value = $1;
my $unit = $2;
my $ga = $channels{$obis};
if ($debug==1){print ($obis,"\n")};
if ($debug==1){print ($value,"\n")};
if ($debug==1){print ($unit,"\n")};
if ($debug==1){print ($ga,"\n")};
if ($unit =~ /\Qh\E/)
&rrd_counter ($obis,$value)
&rrd_gauge ($obis,$value)
&knx_write ($ga,$value);
### SUBS ###
sub rrd_counter
if ($debug==1){print ("COUNTER","\n")};
foreach (@countermodes)
my $obisname = $_[0];
my $value = $_[1];
$obisname =~ tr/./-/;
my $rrdname = $counterid."_".$obisname."_".$_."\.rrd";
if ($debug==1){print ($rrdname,"\n")};
my $rrdfile = $rrdpath."\/".$rrdname;
unless (-e $rrdfile)
RRDs::create ($rrdfile,"DS:value:COUNTER:".(($_*60)+600).":0:10000000000","RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:365","RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:7:300","-s ".($_*60));
my $countervalue = int($value*$_*60);
RRDs::update("$rrdfile", "N:$countervalue");
sub rrd_gauge
if ($debug==1){print ("GAUGE","\n")};
my $obisname = $_[0];
my $value = $_[1];
$obisname =~ tr/./-/;
my $rrdname = $counterid."_".$obisname."\.rrd";
if ($debug==1){print ($rrdname,"\n")};
my $rrdfile = $rrdpath."\/".$rrdname;
unless (-e $rrdfile)
RRDs::create ($rrdfile,"DS:value:GAUGE:900:0:10000000000","RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2160","RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:2016","RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:15:2880","RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:8760");
RRDs::update("$rrdfile", "N:$value");
sub knx_write
### Wert in DPT9 umwandeln und in Konsole ausgeben
my @hexdec = encode_dpt9($_[1]);
my $hexval = sprintf("%x", $hexdec[0]) . " " . sprintf("%x", $hexdec[1]);
#print ($hexval,"\n");
system("groupwrite ip:localhost $_[0] $hexval");
sub encode_dpt9
# 2byte signed float
my $state = shift;
my $data;
my $sign = ($state <0 ? 0x8000 : 0);
my $exp = 0;
my $mant = 0;
$mant = int($state * 100.0);
while (abs($mant) > 2047)
$mant /= 2;
$data = $sign | ($exp << 11) | ($mant & 0x07ff);
return $data >> 8, $data & 0xff;
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