[vz-users] zweiter Kanal nach kurzer Zeit keine Daten mehr

Hungry Mutant hungry.mutant at gmail.com
Sat Aug 17 19:06:36 CEST 2013


habe zwei Kanäle (Sml) in der Konfig angelegt.
Leider habe ich das Problem, daß der
zweite Kanal vom zweiten USB-Kopf, nach kurzer Zeit (ca. 5 Minuten oder weniger) nicht mehr mit geloggt wird
und somit, auch nicht mehr im Frontend angezeigt wird.

Woran kann das liegen?
Habe einen Hager-Zähler EHz363W5 mit zwei IR-USB Köpfen dran.

Habe die vzlogger.conf, so wie unten zu sehen ist, angepasst.
Software läuft auf einem Raspberry.


* vzlogger configuration
* use proper encoded JSON with javascript comments
* take a look at the wiki for detailed information:
* http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/controller/vzlogger#configuration

"retry" : 30,                 /* how long to sleep between failed requests, in seconds */
"daemon": true,               /* run periodically */
"foreground" : true,          /* dont run in background (prevents forking) */
"verbosity" : 15,             /* between 0 and 15 */
//"log" : "/var/log/vzlogger_3.log", /* path to logfile, optional */

"local" : {
       "enabled" : true,       /* should we start the local HTTPd for serving live readings? */
       "port" : 8080,          /* the TCP port for the local HTTPd */
       "index" : true,         /* should we provide a index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested? */
       "timeout" : 30,         /* timeout for long polling comet requests, 0 disables comet, in seconds */
       "buffer" : 600,         /* how long to buffer readings for the local interface, in seconds */
"meters" : [{
       "enabled" : true,       /* disabled meters will be ignored */
       "protocol" : "sml",     /* see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available protocols */
       "device" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
       "channels": [{
               "uuid" : "59c538c0-0420-11e3-93b4-c55a3286b603",
               "middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php",
               "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.0" /* Gesamtstromverbrauch WP */
               }, {
               "uuid" : "43d6b6a0-0674-11e3-8bfc-b90a7b77ae05",
               "middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php",
               "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.1", /* Nachtstrom */
               }, {
               "uuid" : "9756dd80-04b9-11e3-977b-11171760b69c",
               "middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php",
               "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.2", /* Tagstrom */
        }, {
       "enabled" : true,       /* disabled meters will be ignored */
       "protocol" : "sml",     /* see 'vzlogger -h' for list of available protocols */
       "device" : "/dev/ttyUSB1",
       "channels": [{
               "uuid" : "811275f0-0440-11e3-92a9-97a1203a71ea",
               "middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php",
               "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.0", /* HH gesamt */
               }, {
               "uuid" : "a06f4ae0-04b8-11e3-a4f5-2f86b1200ea6",
               "middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php",
               "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.1", /* HH Nachtstrom Tarif 2 */
               }, {
               "uuid" : "30e3b8f0-04b8-11e3-a68d-cddb053389e8",
               "middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php",
               "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.2", /* HH Tagstrom */


Hier noch das Log:

[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Got 8 new readings from meter:
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=129-129:199.130.3*255/ObisItentifier:129-129:199.130.3*255 value=0.00 ts=1376757389.272
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:0.0.9*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:0.0.9*255 value=0.00 ts=1376757389.272
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3434091.40 ts=1376757389.272
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=1868146.80 ts=1376757389.272
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=1565944.50 ts=1376757389.272
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=481.00 ts=1376757389.272
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=129-129:199.130.5*255/ObisItentifier:129-129:199.130.5*255 value=0.00 ts=1376757389.273
[Aug 17 18:36:29][mtr1] Reading: id=0-0:0.0.0*0/ObisItentifier:0-0:0.0.0*0 value=0.00 ts=0.000
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=3434091.40 ts=1376757389.272)
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=1868146.80 ts=1376757389.272)
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=1565944.50 ts=1376757389.272)
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn3] Buffer dump (size=1 keep=0): {3434091.4000,}
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn4] Buffer dump (size=1 keep=0): {1868146.8000,}
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn5] Buffer dump (size=1 keep=0): {1565944.5000,}
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn3] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn5] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
[Aug 17 18:36:29][chn4] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
[Aug 17 18:36:30][chn3] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
[Aug 17 18:36:30][chn5] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
[Aug 17 18:36:30][chn4] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
error: unknown type in sml_value_to_double
error: unknown type in sml_value_to_double
error: unknown type in sml_value_to_double
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Got 8 new readings from meter:
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=129-129:199.130.3*255/ObisItentifier:129-129:199.130.3*255 value=0.00 ts=1376757391.275
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:0.0.9*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:0.0.9*255 value=0.00 ts=1376757391.276
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3434091.70 ts=1376757391.276
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=1868147.10 ts=1376757391.276
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=1565944.50 ts=1376757391.276
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisItentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=481.00 ts=1376757391.276
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=129-129:199.130.5*255/ObisItentifier:129-129:199.130.5*255 value=0.00 ts=1376757391.276
[Aug 17 18:36:31][mtr1] Reading: id=0-0:0.0.0*0/ObisItentifier:0-0:0.0.0*0 value=0.00 ts=0.000
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=3434091.70 ts=1376757391.276)
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=1868147.10 ts=1376757391.276)
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=1565944.50 ts=1376757391.276)
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn3] Buffer dump (size=2 keep=0): {3434091.4000,3434091.7000,}
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn4] Buffer dump (size=2 keep=0): {1868146.8000,1868147.1000,}
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn5] Buffer dump (size=2 keep=0): {1565944.5000,1565944.5000,}
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn3] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn5] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0
[Aug 17 18:36:31][chn4] CURL: additional stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0

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