[vz-users] Middleware zeigt keine Daten an
Marcel Cuvelier
mail at marcelcuvelier.de
Wed Mar 21 16:59:22 CET 2018
Hallo, liebe Supporter.
Ich habe folgendes Setup:
- Raspberry Pi v2 (Gentoo als OS) - Linux tjure 4.14.27-v7+ #1100 SMP
Fri Mar 16 13:51:48 GMT 2018 armv7l ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l) BCM2835
- Build Server (Gentoo als OS) - Linux wickie 4.9.76-gentoo-r1 #3 SMP
Fri Mar 16 12:56:42 CET 2018 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130 CPU @
3.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
- Zählertyp: eHZ-FW8E2A500AK1 (liefert (meiner Meinung nach) Daten als
ASCII-Protokoll) --> D0 Protokoll
- vzlogger version: vzlogger 0.6.1
- vzlogger.conf --> siehe Anhang
- Start/Stop Daemon / Initscript --> siehe Anhang
- Middleware/ Frontend Version:
commit 333e374dcd0fa0c56ac3897058f3c7886eacfaf7 (HEAD -> master,
origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: andig <cpuidle at gmx.de>
Date: Thu Mar 1 17:58:43 2018 +0100
Overwrite only undefined axis labels (#670)
UUID in der UI stimmt mit der in der config überein - trotzdem bekomme
ich keine Daten angezeigt. Gefühlt fehlt mir auch ein curl vom Raspi
(tjure) zum Middleware Server (wickie), der die Daten zur DB pumpt. Habe
die Installation nach der Anleitung fürs "manuelle Installieren"
vorgenommen und mich sauber an die Doku gehalten. Aus irgendeinem Grund
kommen die Daten nicht in der DB an. Hoffe, dass Ihr mir auf die Sprünge
helfen könnt, was ich übersehe. By the way, ich habe zwei IR-Köpfe bzw.
zwei Zähler - das Setup ist aber derzeit nur mit einem konfiguriert
(keep it as simple as possible for the first shot).
Habe auch mal mit konfigurierten Pushserver versucht - verbessert die
Situation leider auch nicht...
Vielen Dank für eure Mühe, euer Feedback im Voraus,
PS: Noch eine Anmerkung zur debug Info auf der volkszaehler Webseite.
Der letzte Punkt beim vzlogger "werden die Werte zur middleware
gesendet? („CURL: *“)" hilft mir persönlich nicht weiter. Wie ist diese
Aussage gemeint? Soll ich im Debug Log einen CURL aufruf sehen, oder
kann ich mit einem speziellen CURL Aufruf prüfen, ob vom logger aus die
Middleware erreichbar ist?
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* vzlogger configuration
* Use properly encoded JSON with javascript comments
* Take a look at the wiki for detailed information:
* http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/controller/vzlogger#configuration
* For an online configuration editor refer to:
* http://volkszaehler.github.io/vzlogger/
// General settings
"daemon": true, // run periodically
"verbosity": 15, // log verbosity (0=log_alert, 1=log_error, 3=log_warning, 5=log_info, 10=log_debug, 15=log_finest)
"log": "/var/log/vzlogger.log", // log file, optional
"retry": 30, // http retry delay in seconds
// Build-in HTTP server
"local": {
"enabled": false, // enable local HTTPd for serving live readings
"port": 8080, // TCP port for local HTTPd
"index": true, // provide index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested
"timeout": 30, // timeout for long polling comet requests in seconds (0 disables comet)
"buffer": -1 // HTTPd buffer configuration for serving readings, default -1
// >0: number of seconds of readings to serve
// <0: number of tuples to server per channel (e.g. -3 will serve 3 tuples)
// realtime notification settings
// "push": [
// {
// "url": "http://zaehler.familiecuvelier.de:5582" // notification destination, e.g. frontend push-server
// }
// ],
// Meter configuration
"meters": [
// Example D0 meter
"enabled": true, // disabled meters will be ignored (default)
"skip": true, // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
"protocol": "d0", // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0", // meter device
// "dump_file": "/var/log/d0-meter1.txt", // detailed log file for all received/transmitted data (optional)
"parity": "7E1", // Serial parity, 7E1 or 8N1
"baudrate": 9600, // Serial baud rate, typically 9600 or 300
// optional D0 interface settings
// "pullseq": "2F3F210D0A", // Pull sequence in 'hex'
// "ackseq": "063030300d0a", // optional (default: keine Antwortsequenz auf Zaehlerantwort) kann entweder feste hex-Sequenz sein (z.B. 063035300d0a für mode C mit 9600bd oder 063030300d0a = 3$
// "read_timeout": 10, // optional read timeout, default 10s. Data reading is considered finished if no state change after that timeout
// "baudrate_change_delay": 400, // optional, default none. Delay value in ms after ACKSEQ send before baudrate change
// "baudrate_read": 300, // Baudratenumschaltung auf gewünschte Baudrate, abhängig von Zählerantwort
// "aggtime": 20, // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds
"aggtime": -1, // Messwerte sammeln und zusammenfügen (aggregieren) bevor an MW gesendet wird - Sammelzeit in Sek. aggtime darf nicht kürzer als interval sein
"interval": 1, // Wartezeit in Sekunden bis neue Werte in die middleware übertragen werden
"channel": {
"uuid": "670acf70-25e9-11e8-8ffb-e78bca0252a7",
"middleware": "https://zaehler.familiecuvelier.de/middleware.php",
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.1" // OBIS identifier
// "aggmode": "MAX" // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval
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[Mar 21 16:23:14][main] vzlogger v0.6.1 based on heads/master-0-g996ea21329 from Sun, 31 Dec 2017 19:27:32 +0100 started.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol d0.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Interval set but not allowed for this meter! Ignoring (setting to 0). Use aggregation if you want less frequent output.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
[Mar 21 16:23:14] New meter initialized (protocol=d0)
[Mar 21 16:23:14] Configure channel.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...0252a7 api=volkszaehler id=1-0:1.8.1)
[Mar 21 16:23:14] Have 1 meters.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][main] log level is 15
[Mar 21 16:23:14][main] daemon=1, local=0
[Mar 21 16:23:14] Daemonize process...
[Mar 21 16:23:14] Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
[Mar 21 16:23:14][push] No pushDataServer defined.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][] ===> Start meters
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Meter connection established
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Meter thread started
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][chn0] Logging thread started
[Mar 21 16:23:14][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Number of readers: 400
[Mar 21 16:23:14][] Startup done.
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
[Mar 21 16:23:14][mtr0] Config.local: 0
[Mar 21 16:23:14][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] Pull answer (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= - hex= 2d
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:0.0.0*255, value=331210-5032451, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:1.8.1*255, value=036167.6779, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:96.5.5*255, value=82, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=0-0:96.1.255*255, value=0002318182, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:15][d0] Read package with 4 tuples (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][mtr0] Got 4 new readings from meter:
[Mar 21 16:23:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:0.0.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:0.0.0*255 value=331210.00 ts=1521645795631
[Mar 21 16:23:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=36167.68 ts=1521645795659
[Mar 21 16:23:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:96.5.5*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:96.5.5*255 value=82.00 ts=1521645795681
[Mar 21 16:23:15][mtr0] Reading: id=0-0:96.1.255*255/ObisIdentifier:0-0:96.1.255*255 value=2318182.00 ts=1521645795711
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=36167.68 ts=1521645795659)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] compare: 0 1521645795659
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1521645795659, 36167.677900000002 ] ]
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Trying
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Connected to zaehler.familiecuvelier.de ( port 443 (#0)
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: ALPN, offering http/1.1
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Cipher selection: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!RC4:@STRENGTH
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: successfully set certificate verify locations:
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Certificate Status (22):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 5 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Hello request (0):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 512 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 5 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 113 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 5 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '
▒/' bytes▒D :▒t▒WR▒▒.▒▒▒▒▒ Z▒#▒▒▒▒▒▒u▒▒▒sB▒▒▒&▒ֱ▒0:?▒▒
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 2835 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '
' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 5 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 'M' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 589 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '
' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 5 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 4 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 5 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 70 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 5 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 1 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 5 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 16 bytes..
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 5 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS alert, Server hello (2):
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received 2 bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Received '
' bytes
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: error:140943F2:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert unexpected message
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 0
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] CURL: SSL connect error
[Mar 21 16:23:15][chn0] Waiting 30 secs for next request due to previous failure
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] Pull answer (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= - hex= 2d
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:0.0.0*255, value=331210-5032451, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:1.8.1*255, value=036167.6781, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:96.5.5*255, value=82, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=0-0:96.1.255*255, value=0002318182, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:17][d0] Read package with 4 tuples (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:17][mtr0] Got 4 new readings from meter:
[Mar 21 16:23:17][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:0.0.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:0.0.0*255 value=331210.00 ts=1521645797440
[Mar 21 16:23:17][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=36167.68 ts=1521645797469
[Mar 21 16:23:17][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:96.5.5*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:96.5.5*255 value=82.00 ts=1521645797490
[Mar 21 16:23:17][mtr0] Reading: id=0-0:96.1.255*255/ObisIdentifier:0-0:96.1.255*255 value=2318182.00 ts=1521645797522
[Mar 21 16:23:17][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=36167.68 ts=1521645797469)
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] Pull answer (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= - hex= 2d
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:0.0.0*255, value=331210-5032451, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:1.8.1*255, value=036167.6783, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:96.5.5*255, value=82, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=0-0:96.1.255*255, value=0002318182, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:19][d0] Read package with 4 tuples (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:19][mtr0] Got 4 new readings from meter:
[Mar 21 16:23:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:0.0.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:0.0.0*255 value=331210.00 ts=1521645799190
[Mar 21 16:23:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=36167.68 ts=1521645799219
[Mar 21 16:23:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:96.5.5*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:96.5.5*255 value=82.00 ts=1521645799241
[Mar 21 16:23:19][mtr0] Reading: id=0-0:96.1.255*255/ObisIdentifier:0-0:96.1.255*255 value=2318182.00 ts=1521645799271
[Mar 21 16:23:19][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=36167.68 ts=1521645799219)
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] Pull answer (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= - hex= 2d
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:0.0.0*255, value=331210-5032451, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:1.8.1*255, value=036167.6785, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:20][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:96.5.5*255, value=82, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=0-0:96.1.255*255, value=0002318182, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:21][d0] Read package with 4 tuples (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:21][mtr0] Got 4 new readings from meter:
[Mar 21 16:23:21][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:0.0.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:0.0.0*255 value=331210.00 ts=1521645800953
[Mar 21 16:23:21][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=36167.68 ts=1521645800981
[Mar 21 16:23:21][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:96.5.5*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:96.5.5*255 value=82.00 ts=1521645801003
[Mar 21 16:23:21][mtr0] Reading: id=0-0:96.1.255*255/ObisIdentifier:0-0:96.1.255*255 value=2318182.00 ts=1521645801034
[Mar 21 16:23:21][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=36167.68 ts=1521645800981)
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] Pull answer (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= - hex= 2d
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:0.0.0*255, value=331210-5032451, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:1.8.1*255, value=036167.6787, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=1-0:96.5.5*255, value=82, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte - hex= 2D
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte : hex= 3A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] Parsed reading (OBIS code=0-0:96.1.255*255, value=0002318182, unit=)
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte
hex= A
[Mar 21 16:23:22][d0] Read package with 4 tuples (vendor=EMH, baudrate=5, identification=----eHZ-E0028E)
[Mar 21 16:23:22][mtr0] Got 4 new readings from meter:
[Mar 21 16:23:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:0.0.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:0.0.0*255 value=331210.00 ts=1521645802730
[Mar 21 16:23:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=36167.68 ts=1521645802759
[Mar 21 16:23:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:96.5.5*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:96.5.5*255 value=82.00 ts=1521645802779
[Mar 21 16:23:22][mtr0] Reading: id=0-0:96.1.255*255/ObisIdentifier:0-0:96.1.255*255 value=2318182.00 ts=1521645802811
[Mar 21 16:23:22][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=36167.68 ts=1521645802759)
[Mar 21 16:23:23] MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
[Mar 21 16:23:23] Closing connections to terminate
[Mar 21 16:23:23][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
[Mar 21 16:23:23][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
[Mar 21 16:23:23][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
[Mar 21 16:23:23][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
[Mar 21 16:23:23][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
[Mar 21 16:23:23][] Server stopped.
[Mar 21 16:23:23][] Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
[Mar 21 16:23:23][] deleted curlSessionProvider
-------------- next part --------------
EXEC_ARGS="-c /etc/vzlogger.conf"
description_reload="Reload vzlogger"
depend() {
need net
use dns logger ntp
start() {
ebegin "Starting vzlogger"
start-stop-daemon --start --exec ${EXEC} -- ${EXEC_ARGS}
eend $?
stop() {
ebegin "Stopping vzlogger"
start-stop-daemon --stop ${EXEC}
eend $?
#reload() {
# ebegin "Reloading vzlogger"
# start-stop-daemon --signal 1 --exec ${EXEC}
# eend $?
#After=syslog.target network.target
#After=mysql.service ntp.service
#ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
-------------- next part --------------
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