[vz-users] Vzlogger Konfiguration für influxDB

Sebastian Pricker mail at pricker.net
Mon Feb 18 19:36:24 CET 2019

Hallo zusammen,

ich springe gerade ebenfalls auf den influxDB Zug. Zur Zeit fahre ich noch zweigleisig, also ich schreibe 3 Stände mit dem vzlogger in die MySQL DB und die gleichen 3 Stände in die influxDB. Beim letzteren verwende ich fake UUIDs, ich war nicht sicher, ob es Probleme gibt, wenn ich die gleichen UUIDs verwende.

DAs sieht mir zur Zeit noch sehr zusammengeschustert aus. Muss ich wirklich die login Daten der influxDB bei jedem Kanal eintragen oder geht es auch einfacher?
Als Frontend nutze ich nun Grafana, da ich es ohnehin schon für diverse Smart Home Geräte im Haushalt nutze.

Hier meine Konfiguration:
Viele Grüße

"retry" : 3,
"daemon": true,
"verbosity" : 1,
"log" : "/var/log/vzlogger.log",
"local" : {
         "enabled" : false,
         "port" : 8080,
         "index" : false,
         "timeout" : 30,
         "buffer" : 600

"push": [
    "url": " <>"
"meters" : [{
         "protocol" : "sml",
		"use_local_time" : true,
         "enabled" : true,
         "device" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
         "parity" : "8N1",
         "baudrate" : 9600,
         "aggtime" : 60,
         "aggfixedinterval" : false,
         "channels": [{
				"api": "volkszaehler",
				"aggmode": "max",
                 "uuid" : „uuid",
                 "middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php <http://localhost/middleware.php>",
                 "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.0*255" /* Wirkarbeit Lieferung +A */
          		"api": "volkszaehler",
				"aggmode": "avg",
         		"uuid": "uuid",
				"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php <http://localhost/middleware.php>",
          		"identifier": "1-0:16.7.0*255" /* Leistung */
          		"api": "volkszaehler",
				"duplicates": 3600,
				"aggmode": "max",
          		"uuid": "uuid",
				"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php <http://localhost/middleware.php>",
          		"identifier": "1-0:2.8.0*255" /* Wirkarbeit Lieferung -A */
                "api": "influxdb", // use the InfluxDB api
                "uuid": „fake uuid", // use the uuid command to generate this
                "identifier" : "1-0:16.7.0*255", // OBIS code for "power" 
                "host": "",                       // This assumes that InfluxDB is running on localhost
                "database": "smartmeter",                       // Optional: make sure this database exists in InfluxDB
                "measurement_name": "Leistung",         // Optional: It is recommended that all your meters have the same InfluxDB measurement name
                "tags": "LeistungAktuell",                 // Optional: Additional tags to append when inserting data
                "username": "sebastian",                        // Optional: When InfluxDB Auth is enabled you need to set the correct user and password
                "password": „pass",
                //"max_batch_inserts": 4500,                    // Optional: Max number of measurements per request. No need to change this
                //"max_buffer_size": 450000,                    // Optional: Max number of measurements to be cached when InfluxDB is not available
                //"timeout": 30,                                // Optional: Time in seconds after which requests to InfluxDB time out
                "api": "influxdb", // use the InfluxDB api
                "uuid": „fake uuid", // use the uuid command to generate this
                "identifier" : "1-0:2.8.0*255", // OBIS code for "power" 
                "host": "",                       // This assumes that InfluxDB is running on localhost
                "database": "smartmeter",                       // Optional: make sure this database exists in InfluxDB
                "measurement_name": "Erzeugung",         // Optional: It is recommended that all your meters have the same InfluxDB measurement name
                "tags": "Erzeugung",                 // Optional: Additional tags to append when inserting data
                "username": "sebastian",                        // Optional: When InfluxDB Auth is enabled you need to set the correct user and password
                "password": „pass",
                //"max_batch_inserts": 4500,                    // Optional: Max number of measurements per request. No need to change this
                //"max_buffer_size": 450000,                    // Optional: Max number of measurements to be cached when InfluxDB is not available
                //"timeout": 30,                                // Optional: Time in seconds after which requests to InfluxDB time out
                "api": "influxdb", // use the InfluxDB api
                "uuid": „fake uuid", // use the uuid command to generate this
                "identifier" : "1-0:1.8.0*255", // OBIS code for "power" 
                "host": "",                       // This assumes that InfluxDB is running on localhost
                "database": "smartmeter",                       // Optional: make sure this database exists in InfluxDB
                "measurement_name": "Bezug",         // Optional: It is recommended that all your meters have the same InfluxDB measurement name
                "tags": "Bezug",                 // Optional: Additional tags to append when inserting data
                "username": "sebastian",                        // Optional: When InfluxDB Auth is enabled you need to set the correct user and password
                "password": „pass",
                //"max_batch_inserts": 4500,                    // Optional: Max number of measurements per request. No need to change this
                //"max_buffer_size": 450000,                    // Optional: Max number of measurements to be cached when InfluxDB is not available
                //"timeout": 30,                                // Optional: Time in seconds after which requests to InfluxDB time out
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