[vz-users] Datenverlust zwischen Vlogger und Middleware.

Abhijit Dhopate abhijit.dhopate at gmail.com
Sa Okt 3 08:54:28 CEST 2020

Hi Frank,

danke. Ich weiss nicht ob Anhang in Mailing List erlaubt ist. So ich habe den hier hinzugefügt. 


Hier ist vzlogger.conf


* vzlogger configuration


* Use properly encoded JSON with javascript comments


* Take a look at the wiki for detailed information:

* http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/controller/vzlogger#configuration


* For an online configuration editor refer to:

* http://volkszaehler.github.io/vzlogger/




    // General settings

    "daemon": true,        // run periodically

    "verbosity": 15,         // log verbosity (0=log_alert, 1=log_error, 3=log_warning, 5=log_info, 10=log_debug, 15=log_finest)

    "log": "/var/log/vzlogger.log", // log file, optional

    "retry": 30,            // http retry delay in seconds


    // Build-in HTTP server

    "local": {

        "enabled": true,   // enable local HTTPd for serving live readings

        "port": 8080,       // TCP port for local HTTPd

        "index": true,      // provide index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested

        "timeout": 30,      // timeout for long polling comet requests in seconds (0 disables comet)

        "buffer": -1        // HTTPd buffer configuration for serving readings, default -1

                            //   >0: number of seconds of readings to serve

                            //   <0: number of tuples to server per channel (e.g. -3 will serve 3 tuples)



    // realtime notification settings

    "push": [


            "url": ""  // notification destination, e.g. frontend push-server




    // mqtt client support (if ENABLE_MQTT set at cmake generation)

    "mqtt": {

        "enabled": true,  // enable mqtt client. needs host and port as well

        "host": "", // mqtt server addr

        "port": 1883, // 1883 for unencrypted, 8883 enc, 8884 enc cert needed,

        "cafile": "", // optional file with server CA

        "capath": "", // optional path for server CAs. see mosquitto.conf. Specify only cafile or capath

        "certfile": "", // optional file for your client certificate (e.g. client.crt)

        "keyfile": "", // optional path for your client certficate private key (e.g. client.key)

        "keypass": "", // optional password for your private key

        "keepalive": 30, // optional keepalive in seconds.

        "topic": "vzlogger/data", // optional topic dont use $ at start and no / at end

        "user": "owntracks", // optional user name for the mqtt server

        "pass": "FSkJqcaXUB", // optional password for the mqtt server

        "retain": true, // optional use retain message flag

        "rawAndAgg": false, // optional publish raw values even if agg mode is used




    // Meter configuration

    "meters": [


            // Example S0 meter


            "enabled": true,               // disabled meters will be ignored (default)

            "skip": false,                  // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled

            "protocol": "sml",               // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list

            "parity" : "8N1",

            "baudrate" : 9600,

            "device": "/dev/ttyUSB1",       // meter device


            "aggtime": 15,                 // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds

            "aggfixedinterval": true,       // round timestamps to nearest <aggtime> before sending to middleware


            "channels": [{

                // this channel gives total consumed units

                "identifier": "1-0:1.8.0",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869",

                "middleware": "",

                "aggmode": "MAX"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)

            },  {

                "identifier": "1-0:16.7.0",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337",

                "middleware": "",

                "aggmode": "MAX"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)




            // Example S0 meter


            "enabled": true,               // disabled meters will be ignored (default)

            "skip": false,                  // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled

            "protocol": "sml",               // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list

            "parity" : "8N1",

            "baudrate" : 9600,

            "device": "/dev/ttyUSB0",       // meter device


            "aggtime": 15,                 // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds

            "aggfixedinterval": true,       // round timestamps to nearest <aggtime> before sending to middleware


            "channels": [{

                // this channel gives total consumed units

                "identifier": "1-0:1.8.0",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950",

                "middleware": "",

                "aggmode": "MAX"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)

            },  {

                "identifier": "1-0:16.7.0",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208",

                "middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",

                "aggmode": "MAX"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)

            },  {

                "identifier": "1-0:36.7.0",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601",

                "middleware": "",

                "aggmode": "MAX"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)

            },  {

                "identifier": "1-0:56.7.0",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488",

                "middleware": "",

                "aggmode": "MAX"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)

            },  {

                "identifier": "1-0:76.7.0",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0",

                "middleware": "",

                "aggmode": "MAX"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)





Und die log datei… 


[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=17.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:21:54][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.10 ts=1601623314892)

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:21:54][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=17.00 ts=1601623314892)

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623314892, 6966770.1000000006 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623314892, 17 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:54][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401829.80 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401829.80 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=189.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=79.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=86.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=23.00 ts=1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:21:55][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401829.80 ts=1601623315420)

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:21:55][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=189.00 ts=1601623315420)

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623315420, 3401829.8000000003 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:21:55][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=79.00 ts=1601623315420)

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:21:55][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=86.00 ts=1601623315420)

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:21:55][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=23.00 ts=1601623315420)

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623315420, 23 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623315420, 86 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623315420, 189 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623315420, 79 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:55][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401829.90 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401829.90 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=194.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=80.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=87.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=26.00 ts=1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:21:57][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401829.90 ts=1601623317292)

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623317292, 3401829.9000000004 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:21:57][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=194.00 ts=1601623317292)

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:21:57][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=80.00 ts=1601623317292)

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:21:57][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=87.00 ts=1601623317292)

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:21:57][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=26.00 ts=1601623317292)

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623317292, 26 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623317292, 87 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623317292, 194 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623317292, 80 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:57][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=15.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:21:58][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.10 ts=1601623318893)

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:21:58][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=15.00 ts=1601623318893)

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623318893, 6966770.1000000006 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623318893, 15 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:58][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=191.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=79.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=87.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=25.00 ts=1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:21:59][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.00 ts=1601623319149)

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:21:59][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=191.00 ts=1601623319149)

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:21:59][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=79.00 ts=1601623319149)

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:21:59][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=87.00 ts=1601623319149)

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:21:59][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=25.00 ts=1601623319149)

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623319149, 25 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623319149, 87 ] ] }, { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623319149, 3401830 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623319149, 79 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623319149, 191 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:21:59][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.10 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.10 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=195.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=83.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=86.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=26.00 ts=1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:01][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.10 ts=1601623321022)

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623321022, 3401830.1000000001 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:01][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=195.00 ts=1601623321022)

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:01][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=83.00 ts=1601623321022)

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:01][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=86.00 ts=1601623321022)

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:01][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=26.00 ts=1601623321022)

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623321022, 26 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623321022, 86 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623321022, 195 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623321022, 83 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:01][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.20 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.20 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=191.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=16.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=82.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=85.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=24.00 ts=1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=1.00 ts=1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.20 ts=1601623322879)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.10 ts=1601623322895)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623322895, 6966770.1000000006 ] ] }, { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623322879, 3401830.2000000002 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=16.00 ts=1601623322895)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  6966770.100000 @ 1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  6966770.100000 @ 1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  6966770.100000 @ 1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  RESULT 6966770.100000 @ 1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn0/agg=6966770.100000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=191.00 ts=1601623322879)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=82.00 ts=1601623322879)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  15.000000 @ 1601623305000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  15.000000 @ 1601623310892

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=85.00 ts=1601623322879)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  17.000000 @ 1601623314892

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  15.000000 @ 1601623318893

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=24.00 ts=1601623322879)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  16.000000 @ 1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  RESULT 17.000000 @ 1601623322895

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401829.400000 @ 1601623305000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn1/agg=17.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401829.500000 @ 1601623309880

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401829.600000 @ 1601623311721

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401829.700000 @ 1601623313578

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401829.800000 @ 1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401829.900000 @ 1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401830.000000 @ 1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401830.100000 @ 1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  3401830.200000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  RESULT 3401830.200000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn2/agg=3401830.200000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  192.000000 @ 1601623309880

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  197.000000 @ 1601623311721

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  192.000000 @ 1601623313578

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  189.000000 @ 1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  194.000000 @ 1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  191.000000 @ 1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  195.000000 @ 1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  191.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  RESULT 197.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn3/agg=197.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] ==> number of tuples: 1

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] compare: 1601623305000 1601623320000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] JSON request body: [ [ 1601623320000, 197 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x70b011f0)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x70b011f0)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x74b00a18 [can pipeline]

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#342) with host localhost

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#342)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x70b011f0)

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Sent 26 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601623320000, 197 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:02][chn3] CURL: upload completely sent off: 26 out of 26 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  83.000000 @ 1601623305000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  79.000000 @ 1601623309880

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  83.000000 @ 1601623311721

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  79.000000 @ 1601623313578

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  79.000000 @ 1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  80.000000 @ 1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  79.000000 @ 1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  83.000000 @ 1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  82.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  RESULT 83.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn4/agg=83.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  87.000000 @ 1601623311721

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  88.000000 @ 1601623313578

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  86.000000 @ 1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  87.000000 @ 1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  87.000000 @ 1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  86.000000 @ 1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  85.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  RESULT 88.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn5/agg=88.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  26.000000 @ 1601623311721

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  24.000000 @ 1601623313578

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  23.000000 @ 1601623315420

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  26.000000 @ 1601623317292

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  25.000000 @ 1601623319149

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  26.000000 @ 1601623321022

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  24.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][MAX]  RESULT 26.000000 @ 1601623322879

[Oct 02 09:22:02][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn6/agg=26.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:02][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623322879, 85 ] ] }, { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623322879, 24 ] ] }, { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623322895, 16 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623322879, 82 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623322879, 191 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:03][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:03][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn3] CURL: Received 26 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn3] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn3] CURL: Connection #342 to host localhost left intact

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn3] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn3] emptied all (1) values

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.30 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.30 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=195.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=83.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=87.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=25.00 ts=1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.30 ts=1601623324752)

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623324752, 3401830.3000000003 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=195.00 ts=1601623324752)

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=83.00 ts=1601623324752)

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=87.00 ts=1601623324752)

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:04][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=25.00 ts=1601623324752)

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623324752, 25 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623324752, 87 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623324752, 195 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623324752, 83 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:04][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.40 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.40 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=192.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=83.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=85.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=25.00 ts=1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:06][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.40 ts=1601623326609)

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:06][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=192.00 ts=1601623326609)

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623326609, 3401830.4000000004 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:06][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=83.00 ts=1601623326609)

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:06][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=85.00 ts=1601623326609)

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:06][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=25.00 ts=1601623326609)

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623326609, 25 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623326609, 85 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623326609, 192 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623326609, 83 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=14.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=6.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:06][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.10 ts=1601623326897)

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623326897, 6966770.1000000006 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:22:06][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=14.00 ts=1601623326897)

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623326897, 14 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:06][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.50 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.50 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=190.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=80.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=85.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=24.00 ts=1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:08][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.50 ts=1601623328483)

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:08][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=190.00 ts=1601623328483)

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623328483, 3401830.5 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:08][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=80.00 ts=1601623328483)

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:08][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=85.00 ts=1601623328483)

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:08][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=24.00 ts=1601623328483)

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623328483, 24 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623328483, 85 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623328483, 190 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623328483, 80 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:08][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.60 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.60 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=189.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=79.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=26.00 ts=1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:10][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.60 ts=1601623330355)

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:10][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=189.00 ts=1601623330355)

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623330355, 3401830.6000000001 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:10][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=79.00 ts=1601623330355)

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:10][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623330355)

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:10][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=26.00 ts=1601623330355)

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623330355, 26 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623330355, 84 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623330355, 189 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623330355, 79 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.10 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=17.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:10][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.10 ts=1601623330898)

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623330898, 6966770.1000000006 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:22:10][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=17.00 ts=1601623330898)

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623330898, 17 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:10][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.70 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.70 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=191.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=79.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=85.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=27.00 ts=1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:12][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.70 ts=1601623332229)

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:12][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=191.00 ts=1601623332229)

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623332229, 3401830.7000000002 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:12][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=79.00 ts=1601623332229)

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:12][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=85.00 ts=1601623332229)

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:12][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=27.00 ts=1601623332229)

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623332229, 27 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623332229, 85 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623332229, 191 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623332229, 79 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=17.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:12][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.20 ts=1601623332531)

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623332531, 6966770.2000000002 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:22:12][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=17.00 ts=1601623332531)

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623332531, 17 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:12][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.80 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.80 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=190.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=80.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=27.00 ts=1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:14][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.80 ts=1601623334117)

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:14][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=190.00 ts=1601623334117)

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623334117, 3401830.8000000003 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:14][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=80.00 ts=1601623334117)

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:14][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623334117)

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:14][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=27.00 ts=1601623334117)

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623334117, 27 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623334117, 84 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623334117, 190 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623334117, 80 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:14][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 4

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] compare: 1601623305401 1601623320000

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] compare: 1601623320000 1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] compare: 1601623326897 1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] compare: 1601623330898 1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] copied 64/54442 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1601125425000, 22 ], [ 1601125455000, 23 ], [ 1601125460562, 19 ], [ 1601125485000, 22 ], [ 1601125493793, 21 ], [ 1601125515000, 23 ], [ 1601125545000, 23 ], [ 1601125575000, 20 ], [ 1601125581462, 19 ], [ 1601125605000, 21 ], [ 1601125635000, 22 ], [ 1601125641296, 19 ], [ 1601125665000, 22 ], [ 1601125671883, 18 ], [ 1601125695000, 23 ], [ 1601125701128, 17 ], [ 1601125702424, 19 ], [ 1601125725000, 21 ], [ 1601125731605, 21 ], [ 1601125755000, 24 ], [ 1601125762225, 18 ], [ 1601125785000, 22 ], [ 1601125788842, 21 ], [ 1601125792828, 19 ], [ 1601125815000, 22 ], [ 1601125822231, 20 ], [ 1601125823673, 20 ], [ 1601125845000, 24 ], [ 1601125853013, 20 ], [ 1601125875000, 23 ], [ 1601125883505, 20 ], [ 1601125905000, 21 ], [ 1601125910027, 18 ], [ 1601125914030, 22 ], [ 1601125935000, 23 ], [ 1601125943369, 19 ], [ 1601125965000, 21 ], [ 1601125974037, 18 ], [ 1601125995000, 22 ], [ 1601126025000, 24 ], [ 1601126031309, 19 ], [ 1601126055000, 21 ], [ 1601126085000, 22 ], [ 1601126091380, 19 ], [ 1601126115000, 22 ], [ 1601126122081, 19 ], [ 1601126145000, 23 ], [ 1601126151548, 20 ], [ 1601126152813, 21 ], [ 1601126175000, 21 ], [ 1601126182106, 20 ], [ 1601126205000, 22 ], [ 1601126212791, 22 ], [ 1601126235000, 23 ], [ 1601126239411, 21 ], [ 1601126243412, 21 ], [ 1601126265000, 22 ], [ 1601126272736, 21 ], [ 1601126274065, 18 ], [ 1601126295000, 21 ], [ 1601126303453, 20 ], [ 1601126325000, 22 ], [ 1601126334105, 19 ], [ 1601126355000, 23 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Hostname in DNS cache was stale, zapped

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL:   Trying

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 5582 (#99465)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Expire in 1000 ms for 0 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Sent 1474 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601125425000, 22 ], [ 1601125455000, 23 ], [ 1601125460562, 19 ], [ 1601125485000, 22 ], [ 1601125493793, 21 ], [ 1601125515000, 23 ], [ 1601125545000, 23 ], [ 1601125575000, 20 ], [ 1601125581462, 19 ], [ 1601125605000, 21 ], [ 1601125635000, 22 ], [ 1601125641296, 19 ], [ 1601125665000, 22 ], [ 1601125671883, 18 ], [ 1601125695000, 23 ], [ 1601125701128, 17 ], [ 1601125702424, 19 ], [ 1601125725000, 21 ], [ 1601125731605, 21 ], [ 1601125755000, 24 ], [ 1601125762225, 18 ], [ 1601125785000, 22 ], [ 1601125788842, 21 ], [ 1601125792828, 19 ], [ 1601125815000, 22 ], [ 1601125822231, 20 ], [ 1601125823673, 20 ], [ 1601125845000, 24 ], [ 1601125853013, 20 ], [ 1601125875000, 23 ], [ 1601125883505, 20 ], [ 1601125905000, 21 ], [ 1601125910027, 18 ], [ 1601125914030, 22 ], [ 1601125935000, 23 ], [ 1601125943369, 19 ], [ 1601125965000, 21 ], [ 1601125974037, 18 ], [ 1601125995000, 22 ], [ 1601126025000, 24 ], [ 1601126031309, 19 ], [ 1601126055000, 21 ], [ 1601126085000, 22 ], [ 1601126091380, 19 ], [ 1601126115000, 22 ], [ 1601126122081, 19 ], [ 1601126145000, 23 ], [ 1601126151548, 20 ], [ 1601126152813, 21 ], [ 1601126175000, 21 ], [ 1601126182106, 20 ], [ 1601126205000, 22 ], [ 1601126212791, 22 ], [ 1601126235000, 23 ], [ 1601126239411, 21 ], [ 1601126243412, 21 ], [ 1601126265000, 22 ], [ 1601126272736, 21 ], [ 1601126274065, 18 ], [ 1601126295000, 21 ], [ 1601126303453, 20 ], [ 1601126325000, 22 ], [ 1601126334105, 19 ], [ 1601126355000, 23 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: We are completely uploaded and fine

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] ==> number of tuples: 7

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] compare: 1601623304310 1601623320000

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] compare: 1601623320000 1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] compare: 1601623324752 1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] compare: 1601623326609 1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] compare: 1601623328483 1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] compare: 1601623330355 1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] compare: 1601623332229 1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] copied 64/72045 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Received 1 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Received '1' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 99465

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] CURL Error from middleware: continue

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn1] Waiting 30 secs for next request due to previous failure

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] JSON request body: [ [ 1601124225000, 128 ], [ 1601125455000, 126 ], [ 1601125460972, 120 ], [ 1601125463133, 123 ], [ 1601125485000, 122 ], [ 1601125490429, 74 ], [ 1601125493534, 78 ], [ 1601125515000, 73 ], [ 1601125521678, 70 ], [ 1601125545000, 74 ], [ 1601125550316, 72 ], [ 1601125553501, 69 ], [ 1601125575000, 73 ], [ 1601125582189, 66 ], [ 1601125605000, 71 ], [ 1601125611083, 71 ], [ 1601125635000, 74 ], [ 1601125643021, 71 ], [ 1601125665000, 75 ], [ 1601125670475, 75 ], [ 1601125673468, 73 ], [ 1601125695000, 75 ], [ 1601125700299, 73 ], [ 1601125703292, 71 ], [ 1601125725000, 75 ], [ 1601125730203, 71 ], [ 1601125733197, 72 ], [ 1601125755000, 73 ], [ 1601125760347, 72 ], [ 1601125763469, 75 ], [ 1601125785000, 73 ], [ 1601125788587, 72 ], [ 1601125789787, 71 ], [ 1601125790988, 72 ], [ 1601125792156, 71 ], [ 1601125793309, 74 ], [ 1601125815000, 77 ], [ 1601125819371, 71 ], [ 1601125820539, 70 ], [ 1601125821692, 72 ], [ 1601125822876, 72 ], [ 1601125824093, 73 ], [ 1601125845000, 75 ], [ 1601125848905, 71 ], [ 1601125850073, 75 ], [ 1601125851259, 73 ], [ 1601125852491, 70 ], [ 1601125853644, 71 ], [ 1601125875000, 75 ], [ 1601125881195, 73 ], [ 1601125905000, 75 ], [ 1601125911707, 68 ], [ 1601125935000, 73 ], [ 1601125943513, 68 ], [ 1601125965000, 74 ], [ 1601125972026, 65 ], [ 1601125995000, 70 ], [ 1601126003977, 67 ], [ 1601126025000, 71 ], [ 1601126032343, 71 ], [ 1601126055000, 76 ], [ 1601126060807, 68 ], [ 1601126064361, 67 ], [ 1601126085000, 73 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL:   Trying

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Connected to ( port 5582 (#99466)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Expire in 1000 ms for 0 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Sent 1479 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601124225000, 128 ], [ 1601125455000, 126 ], [ 1601125460972, 120 ], [ 1601125463133, 123 ], [ 1601125485000, 122 ], [ 1601125490429, 74 ], [ 1601125493534, 78 ], [ 1601125515000, 73 ], [ 1601125521678, 70 ], [ 1601125545000, 74 ], [ 1601125550316, 72 ], [ 1601125553501, 69 ], [ 1601125575000, 73 ], [ 1601125582189, 66 ], [ 1601125605000, 71 ], [ 1601125611083, 71 ], [ 1601125635000, 74 ], [ 1601125643021, 71 ], [ 1601125665000, 75 ], [ 1601125670475, 75 ], [ 1601125673468, 73 ], [ 1601125695000, 75 ], [ 1601125700299, 73 ], [ 1601125703292, 71 ], [ 1601125725000, 75 ], [ 1601125730203, 71 ], [ 1601125733197, 72 ], [ 1601125755000, 73 ], [ 1601125760347, 72 ], [ 1601125763469, 75 ], [ 1601125785000, 73 ], [ 1601125788587, 72 ], [ 1601125789787, 71 ], [ 1601125790988, 72 ], [ 1601125792156, 71 ], [ 1601125793309, 74 ], [ 1601125815000, 77 ], [ 1601125819371, 71 ], [ 1601125820539, 70 ], [ 1601125821692, 72 ], [ 1601125822876, 72 ], [ 1601125824093, 73 ], [ 1601125845000, 75 ], [ 1601125848905, 71 ], [ 1601125850073, 75 ], [ 1601125851259, 73 ], [ 1601125852491, 70 ], [ 1601125853644, 71 ], [ 1601125875000, 75 ], [ 1601125881195, 73 ], [ 1601125905000, 75 ], [ 1601125911707, 68 ], [ 1601125935000, 73 ], [ 1601125943513, 68 ], [ 1601125965000, 74 ], [ 1601125972026, 65 ], [ 1601125995000, 70 ], [ 1601126003977, 67 ], [ 1601126025000, 71 ], [ 1601126032343, 71 ], [ 1601126055000, 76 ], [ 1601126060807, 68 ], [ 1601126064361, 67 ], [ 1601126085000, 73 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: We are completely uploaded and fine

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Received 1 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Received '1' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL: Closing connection 99466

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] CURL Error from middleware: continue

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] Waiting 30 secs for next request due to previous failure

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] ==> number of tuples: 7

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] compare: 1601623304310 1601623320000

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] compare: 1601623320000 1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] compare: 1601623324752 1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] compare: 1601623326609 1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] compare: 1601623328483 1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] compare: 1601623330355 1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] compare: 1601623332229 1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] copied 64/72113 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] JSON request body: [ [ 1601124225000, 3361183.9000000004 ], [ 1601125455000, 3361185.3000000003 ], [ 1601125460972, 3361185.4000000004 ], [ 1601125463133, 3361185.5 ], [ 1601125485000, 3361186.5 ], [ 1601125490429, 3361186.6000000001 ], [ 1601125493534, 3361186.7000000002 ], [ 1601125515000, 3361187.5 ], [ 1601125521678, 3361187.6000000001 ], [ 1601125545000, 3361188.4000000004 ], [ 1601125550316, 3361188.5 ], [ 1601125553501, 3361188.6000000001 ], [ 1601125575000, 3361189.4000000004 ], [ 1601125582189, 3361189.5 ], [ 1601125605000, 3361190.3000000003 ], [ 1601125611083, 3361190.4000000004 ], [ 1601125635000, 3361191.3000000003 ], [ 1601125643021, 3361191.4000000004 ], [ 1601125665000, 3361192.2000000002 ], [ 1601125670475, 3361192.3000000003 ], [ 1601125673468, 3361192.4000000004 ], [ 1601125695000, 3361193.2000000002 ], [ 1601125700299, 3361193.3000000003 ], [ 1601125703292, 3361193.4000000004 ], [ 1601125725000, 3361194.2000000002 ], [ 1601125730203, 3361194.3000000003 ], [ 1601125733197, 3361194.4000000004 ], [ 1601125755000, 3361195.2000000002 ], [ 1601125760347, 3361195.3000000003 ], [ 1601125763469, 3361195.4000000004 ], [ 1601125785000, 3361196.2000000002 ], [ 1601125788587, 3361196.4000000004 ], [ 1601125789787, 3361196.6000000001 ], [ 1601125790988, 3361196.8000000003 ], [ 1601125792156, 3361197 ], [ 1601125793309, 3361197.2000000002 ], [ 1601125815000, 3361201.4000000004 ], [ 1601125819371, 3361201.6000000001 ], [ 1601125820539, 3361201.8000000003 ], [ 1601125821692, 3361202 ], [ 1601125822876, 3361202.2000000002 ], [ 1601125824093, 3361202.4000000004 ], [ 1601125845000, 3361206.4000000004 ], [ 1601125848905, 3361206.6000000001 ], [ 1601125850073, 3361206.8000000003 ], [ 1601125851259, 3361207 ], [ 1601125852491, 3361207.2000000002 ], [ 1601125853644, 3361207.4000000004 ], [ 1601125875000, 3361208.7000000002 ], [ 1601125881195, 3361208.8000000003 ], [ 1601125905000, 3361209.6000000001 ], [ 1601125911707, 3361209.7000000002 ], [ 1601125935000, 3361210.5 ], [ 1601125943513, 3361210.6000000001 ], [ 1601125965000, 3361211.3000000003 ], [ 1601125972026, 3361211.4000000004 ], [ 1601125995000, 3361212.2000000002 ], [ 1601126003977, 3361212.3000000003 ], [ 1601126025000, 3361213 ], [ 1601126032343, 3361213.1000000001 ], [ 1601126055000, 3361213.8000000003 ], [ 1601126060807, 3361213.9000000004 ], [ 1601126064361, 3361214 ], [ 1601126085000, 3361214.7000000002 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL:   Trying

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Connected to ( port 5582 (#99467)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Expire in 1000 ms for 0 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Sent 2389 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601124225000, 3361183.9000000004 ], [ 1601125455000, 3361185.3000000003 ], [ 1601125460972, 3361185.4000000004 ], [ 1601125463133, 3361185.5 ], [ 1601125485000, 3361186.5 ], [ 1601125490429, 3361186.6000000001 ], [ 1601125493534, 3361186.7000000002 ], [ 1601125515000, 3361187.5 ], [ 1601125521678, 3361187.6000000001 ], [ 1601125545000, 3361188.4000000004 ], [ 1601125550316, 3361188.5 ], [ 1601125553501, 3361188.6000000001 ], [ 1601125575000, 3361189.4000000004 ], [ 1601125582189, 3361189.5 ], [ 1601125605000, 3361190.3000000003 ], [ 1601125611083, 3361190.4000000004 ], [ 1601125635000, 3361191.3000000003 ], [ 1601125643021, 3361191.4000000004 ], [ 1601125665000, 3361192.2000000002 ], [ 1601125670475, 3361192.3000000003 ], [ 1601125673468, 3361192.4000000004 ], [ 1601125695000, 3361193.2000000002 ], [ 1601125700299, 3361193.3000000003 ], [ 1601125703292, 3361193.4000000004 ], [ 1601125725000, 3361194.2000000002 ], [ 1601125730203, 3361194.3000000003 ], [ 1601125733197, 3361194.4000000004 ], [ 1601125755000, 3361195.2000000002 ], [ 1601125760347, 3361195.3000000003 ], [ 1601125763469, 3361195.4000000004 ], [ 1601125785000, 3361196.2000000002 ], [ 1601125788587, 3361196.4000000004 ], [ 1601125789787, 3361196.6000000001 ], [ 1601125790988, 3361196.8000000003 ], [ 1601125792156, 3361197 ], [ 1601125793309, 3361197.2000000002 ], [ 1601125815000, 3361201.4000000004 ], [ 1601125819371, 3361201.6000000001 ], [ 1601125820539, 3361201.8000000003 ], [ 1601125821692, 3361202 ], [ 1601125822876, 3361202.2000000002 ], [ 1601125824093, 3361202.4000000004 ], [ 1601125845000, 3361206.4000000004 ], [ 1601125848905, 3361206.6000000001 ], [ 1601125850073, 3361206.8000000003 ], [ 1601125851259, 3361207 ], [ 1601125852491, 3361207.2000000002 ], [ 1601125853644, 3361207.4000000004 ], [ 1601125875000, 3361208.7000000002 ], [ 1601125881195, 3361208.8000000003 ], [ 1601125905000, 3361209.6000000001 ], [ 1601125911707, 3361209.7000000002 ], [ 1601125935000, 3361210.5 ], [ 1601125943513, 3361210.6000000001 ], [ 1601125965000, 3361211.3000000003 ], [ 1601125972026, 3361211.4000000004 ], [ 1601125995000, 3361212.2000000002 ], [ 1601126003977, 3361212.3000000003 ], [ 1601126025000, 3361213 ], [ 1601126032343, 3361213.1000000001 ], [ 1601126055000, 3361213.8000000003 ], [ 1601126060807, 3361213.9000000004 ], [ 1601126064361, 3361214 ], [ 1601126085000, 3361214.7000000002 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: We are completely uploaded and fine

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Received 1 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Received '1' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL: Closing connection 99467

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] CURL Error from middleware: continue

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] Waiting 30 secs for next request due to previous failure

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401830.90 ts=1601623335990

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401830.90 ts=1601623335990

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623335990

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623335990

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623335990

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=196.00 ts=1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:15][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=27.00 ts=1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401830.90 ts=1601623335990)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=196.00 ts=1601623335991)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623335990, 3401830.9000000004 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:15][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623335991)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623335991)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:15][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=27.00 ts=1601623335991)

[Oct 02 09:22:15][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623335991, 27 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623335991, 84 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623335991, 196 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623335991, 84 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=15.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=6.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=1.00 ts=1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:16][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.20 ts=1601623336532)

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:22:16][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=15.00 ts=1601623336532)

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623336532, 15 ] ] }, { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623336532, 6966770.2000000002 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:16][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401831.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401831.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=190.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=82.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=24.00 ts=1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401831.00 ts=1601623337863)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=190.00 ts=1601623337863)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=82.00 ts=1601623337863)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623337863)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=24.00 ts=1601623337863)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  3401830.900000 @ 1601623335990

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  3401831.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  RESULT 3401831.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn2/agg=3401831.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623337863, 24 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623337863, 84 ] ] }, { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623337863, 3401831 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623337863, 82 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623337863, 190 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  195.000000 @ 1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  192.000000 @ 1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  190.000000 @ 1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  189.000000 @ 1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  191.000000 @ 1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  190.000000 @ 1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  196.000000 @ 1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  190.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  RESULT 196.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn3/agg=196.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] ==> number of tuples: 1

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] compare: 1601623320000 1601623335000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] JSON request body: [ [ 1601623335000, 196 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x70b011f0)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x70b011f0)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x74b00a18 [can pipeline]

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#342) with host localhost

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#342)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x70b011f0)

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Sent 26 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601623335000, 196 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:17][chn3] CURL: upload completely sent off: 26 out of 26 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  84.000000 @ 1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  82.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  RESULT 84.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn4/agg=84.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  88.000000 @ 1601623320000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  87.000000 @ 1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  85.000000 @ 1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  85.000000 @ 1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  84.000000 @ 1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  85.000000 @ 1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  84.000000 @ 1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  84.000000 @ 1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  84.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  RESULT 88.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn5/agg=88.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  26.000000 @ 1601623320000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  25.000000 @ 1601623324752

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  25.000000 @ 1601623326609

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  24.000000 @ 1601623328483

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  26.000000 @ 1601623330355

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  27.000000 @ 1601623332229

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  27.000000 @ 1601623334117

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  27.000000 @ 1601623335991

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  24.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][MAX]  RESULT 27.000000 @ 1601623337863

[Oct 02 09:22:17][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn6/agg=27.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:17][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:18][chn3] CURL: Received 26 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:18][chn3] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:18][chn3] CURL: Connection #342 to host localhost left intact

[Oct 02 09:22:18][chn3] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:18][chn3] emptied all (1) values

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401831.10 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401831.10 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=186.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=78.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=24.00 ts=1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:19][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401831.10 ts=1601623339753)

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623339753, 3401831.1000000001 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:19][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=186.00 ts=1601623339753)

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:19][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=78.00 ts=1601623339753)

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:19][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623339753)

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:19][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=24.00 ts=1601623339753)

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623339753, 24 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623339753, 84 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623339753, 186 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623339753, 78 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:19][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=15.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=7.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.20 ts=1601623340534)

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:22:20][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=15.00 ts=1601623340534)

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623340534, 6966770.2000000002 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  6966770.100000 @ 1601623320000

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  6966770.100000 @ 1601623326897

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  6966770.100000 @ 1601623330898

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  6966770.200000 @ 1601623332531

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  6966770.200000 @ 1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  6966770.200000 @ 1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  RESULT 6966770.200000 @ 1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn0/agg=6966770.200000

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  15.000000 @ 1601623336532

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  15.000000 @ 1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][MAX]  RESULT 15.000000 @ 1601623340534

[Oct 02 09:22:20][mqtt] publish vzlogger/data/chn1/agg=15.000000

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623340534, 15 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:20][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] ==> number of tuples: 2

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] compare: 1601623309880 1601623335000

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] compare: 1601623335000 1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] copied 64/71983 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] JSON request body: [ [ 1601124225000, 90 ], [ 1601125455000, 89 ], [ 1601125460972, 20 ], [ 1601125463133, 21 ], [ 1601125485000, 19 ], [ 1601125490429, 22 ], [ 1601125493534, 20 ], [ 1601125515000, 20 ], [ 1601125521678, 18 ], [ 1601125545000, 21 ], [ 1601125550316, 17 ], [ 1601125553501, 19 ], [ 1601125575000, 20 ], [ 1601125582189, 19 ], [ 1601125605000, 19 ], [ 1601125611083, 20 ], [ 1601125635000, 20 ], [ 1601125643021, 17 ], [ 1601125665000, 20 ], [ 1601125670475, 19 ], [ 1601125673468, 19 ], [ 1601125695000, 20 ], [ 1601125700299, 19 ], [ 1601125703292, 20 ], [ 1601125725000, 20 ], [ 1601125730203, 18 ], [ 1601125733197, 20 ], [ 1601125755000, 19 ], [ 1601125760347, 18 ], [ 1601125763469, 20 ], [ 1601125785000, 429 ], [ 1601125788587, 497 ], [ 1601125789787, 664 ], [ 1601125790988, 482 ], [ 1601125792156, 511 ], [ 1601125793309, 497 ], [ 1601125815000, 607 ], [ 1601125819371, 482 ], [ 1601125820539, 513 ], [ 1601125821692, 499 ], [ 1601125822876, 485 ], [ 1601125824093, 626 ], [ 1601125845000, 519 ], [ 1601125848905, 511 ], [ 1601125850073, 500 ], [ 1601125851259, 484 ], [ 1601125852491, 511 ], [ 1601125853644, 513 ], [ 1601125875000, 499 ], [ 1601125881195, 3 ], [ 1601125884365, 19 ], [ 1601125905000, 18 ], [ 1601125911707, 9 ], [ 1601125935000, 11 ], [ 1601125943513, 9 ], [ 1601125965000, 10 ], [ 1601125972026, 9 ], [ 1601125995000, 10 ], [ 1601126003977, 10 ], [ 1601126025000, 15 ], [ 1601126032343, 10 ], [ 1601126055000, 10 ], [ 1601126060807, 16 ], [ 1601126064361, 9 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL:   Trying

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Connected to ( port 5582 (#99468)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Expire in 1000 ms for 0 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Sent 1488 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601124225000, 90 ], [ 1601125455000, 89 ], [ 1601125460972, 20 ], [ 1601125463133, 21 ], [ 1601125485000, 19 ], [ 1601125490429, 22 ], [ 1601125493534, 20 ], [ 1601125515000, 20 ], [ 1601125521678, 18 ], [ 1601125545000, 21 ], [ 1601125550316, 17 ], [ 1601125553501, 19 ], [ 1601125575000, 20 ], [ 1601125582189, 19 ], [ 1601125605000, 19 ], [ 1601125611083, 20 ], [ 1601125635000, 20 ], [ 1601125643021, 17 ], [ 1601125665000, 20 ], [ 1601125670475, 19 ], [ 1601125673468, 19 ], [ 1601125695000, 20 ], [ 1601125700299, 19 ], [ 1601125703292, 20 ], [ 1601125725000, 20 ], [ 1601125730203, 18 ], [ 1601125733197, 20 ], [ 1601125755000, 19 ], [ 1601125760347, 18 ], [ 1601125763469, 20 ], [ 1601125785000, 429 ], [ 1601125788587, 497 ], [ 1601125789787, 664 ], [ 1601125790988, 482 ], [ 1601125792156, 511 ], [ 1601125793309, 497 ], [ 1601125815000, 607 ], [ 1601125819371, 482 ], [ 1601125820539, 513 ], [ 1601125821692, 499 ], [ 1601125822876, 485 ], [ 1601125824093, 626 ], [ 1601125845000, 519 ], [ 1601125848905, 511 ], [ 1601125850073, 500 ], [ 1601125851259, 484 ], [ 1601125852491, 511 ], [ 1601125853644, 513 ], [ 1601125875000, 499 ], [ 1601125881195, 3 ], [ 1601125884365, 19 ], [ 1601125905000, 18 ], [ 1601125911707, 9 ], [ 1601125935000, 11 ], [ 1601125943513, 9 ], [ 1601125965000, 10 ], [ 1601125972026, 9 ], [ 1601125995000, 10 ], [ 1601126003977, 10 ], [ 1601126025000, 15 ], [ 1601126032343, 10 ], [ 1601126055000, 10 ], [ 1601126060807, 16 ], [ 1601126064361, 9 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: We are completely uploaded and fine

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] compare: 1601623310892 1601623335000

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] copied 64/54373 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Received 1 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Received '1' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL: Closing connection 99468

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] CURL Error from middleware: continue

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1601125425000, 6935536.7000000002 ], [ 1601125455000, 6935536.8000000007 ], [ 1601125460562, 6935536.9000000004 ], [ 1601125485000, 6935537 ], [ 1601125493793, 6935537 ], [ 1601125515000, 6935537.2000000002 ], [ 1601125545000, 6935537.4000000004 ], [ 1601125575000, 6935537.5 ], [ 1601125581462, 6935537.6000000006 ], [ 1601125605000, 6935537.7000000002 ], [ 1601125635000, 6935537.9000000004 ], [ 1601125641296, 6935537.9000000004 ], [ 1601125665000, 6935538.1000000006 ], [ 1601125671883, 6935538.1000000006 ], [ 1601125695000, 6935538.2000000002 ], [ 1601125701128, 6935538.2000000002 ], [ 1601125702424, 6935538.3000000007 ], [ 1601125725000, 6935538.4000000004 ], [ 1601125731605, 6935538.4000000004 ], [ 1601125755000, 6935538.6000000006 ], [ 1601125762225, 6935538.6000000006 ], [ 1601125785000, 6935538.7000000002 ], [ 1601125788842, 6935538.8000000007 ], [ 1601125792828, 6935538.8000000007 ], [ 1601125815000, 6935538.9000000004 ], [ 1601125822231, 6935538.9000000004 ], [ 1601125823673, 6935539 ], [ 1601125845000, 6935539.1000000006 ], [ 1601125853013, 6935539.1000000006 ], [ 1601125875000, 6935539.3000000007 ], [ 1601125883505, 6935539.3000000007 ], [ 1601125905000, 6935539.4000000004 ], [ 1601125910027, 6935539.5 ], [ 1601125914029, 6935539.5 ], [ 1601125935000, 6935539.6000000006 ], [ 1601125943369, 6935539.6000000006 ], [ 1601125965000, 6935539.8000000007 ], [ 1601125974037, 6935539.8000000007 ], [ 1601125995000, 6935540 ], [ 1601126025000, 6935540.1000000006 ], [ 1601126031309, 6935540.2000000002 ], [ 1601126055000, 6935540.3000000007 ], [ 1601126085000, 6935540.5 ], [ 1601126091380, 6935540.5 ], [ 1601126115000, 6935540.7000000002 ], [ 1601126122081, 6935540.7000000002 ], [ 1601126145000, 6935540.8000000007 ], [ 1601126151548, 6935540.8000000007 ], [ 1601126152813, 6935540.9000000004 ], [ 1601126175000, 6935541 ], [ 1601126182106, 6935541 ], [ 1601126205000, 6935541.2000000002 ], [ 1601126212791, 6935541.2000000002 ], [ 1601126235000, 6935541.3000000007 ], [ 1601126239411, 6935541.4000000004 ], [ 1601126243412, 6935541.4000000004 ], [ 1601126265000, 6935541.5 ], [ 1601126272736, 6935541.5 ], [ 1601126274065, 6935541.6000000006 ], [ 1601126295000, 6935541.7000000002 ], [ 1601126303453, 6935541.7000000002 ], [ 1601126325000, 6935541.9000000004 ], [ 1601126334105, 6935541.9000000004 ], [ 1601126355000, 6935542 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] Waiting 30 secs for next request due to previous failure

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL:   Trying

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 5582 (#99469)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Expire in 1000 ms for 0 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Sent 2358 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601125425000, 6935536.7000000002 ], [ 1601125455000, 6935536.8000000007 ], [ 1601125460562, 6935536.9000000004 ], [ 1601125485000, 6935537 ], [ 1601125493793, 6935537 ], [ 1601125515000, 6935537.2000000002 ], [ 1601125545000, 6935537.4000000004 ], [ 1601125575000, 6935537.5 ], [ 1601125581462, 6935537.6000000006 ], [ 1601125605000, 6935537.7000000002 ], [ 1601125635000, 6935537.9000000004 ], [ 1601125641296, 6935537.9000000004 ], [ 1601125665000, 6935538.1000000006 ], [ 1601125671883, 6935538.1000000006 ], [ 1601125695000, 6935538.2000000002 ], [ 1601125701128, 6935538.2000000002 ], [ 1601125702424, 6935538.3000000007 ], [ 1601125725000, 6935538.4000000004 ], [ 1601125731605, 6935538.4000000004 ], [ 1601125755000, 6935538.6000000006 ], [ 1601125762225, 6935538.6000000006 ], [ 1601125785000, 6935538.7000000002 ], [ 1601125788842, 6935538.8000000007 ], [ 1601125792828, 6935538.8000000007 ], [ 1601125815000, 6935538.9000000004 ], [ 1601125822231, 6935538.9000000004 ], [ 1601125823673, 6935539 ], [ 1601125845000, 6935539.1000000006 ], [ 1601125853013, 6935539.1000000006 ], [ 1601125875000, 6935539.3000000007 ], [ 1601125883505, 6935539.3000000007 ], [ 1601125905000, 6935539.4000000004 ], [ 1601125910027, 6935539.5 ], [ 1601125914029, 6935539.5 ], [ 1601125935000, 6935539.6000000006 ], [ 1601125943369, 6935539.6000000006 ], [ 1601125965000, 6935539.8000000007 ], [ 1601125974037, 6935539.8000000007 ], [ 1601125995000, 6935540 ], [ 1601126025000, 6935540.1000000006 ], [ 1601126031309, 6935540.2000000002 ], [ 1601126055000, 6935540.3000000007 ], [ 1601126085000, 6935540.5 ], [ 1601126091380, 6935540.5 ], [ 1601126115000, 6935540.7000000002 ], [ 1601126122081, 6935540.7000000002 ], [ 1601126145000, 6935540.8000000007 ], [ 1601126151548, 6935540.8000000007 ], [ 1601126152813, 6935540.9000000004 ], [ 1601126175000, 6935541 ], [ 1601126182106, 6935541 ], [ 1601126205000, 6935541.2000000002 ], [ 1601126212791, 6935541.2000000002 ], [ 1601126235000, 6935541.3000000007 ], [ 1601126239411, 6935541.4000000004 ], [ 1601126243412, 6935541.4000000004 ], [ 1601126265000, 6935541.5 ], [ 1601126272736, 6935541.5 ], [ 1601126274065, 6935541.6000000006 ], [ 1601126295000, 6935541.7000000002 ], [ 1601126303453, 6935541.7000000002 ], [ 1601126325000, 6935541.9000000004 ], [ 1601126334105, 6935541.9000000004 ], [ 1601126355000, 6935542 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: We are completely uploaded and fine

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Received 1 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Received '1' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 99469

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: continue

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] ==> number of tuples: 2

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] compare: 1601623309880 1601623335000

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] compare: 1601623335000 1601623339753

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] copied 64/72053 values for middleware transmission

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] JSON request body: [ [ 1601124225000, 25 ], [ 1601125455000, 24 ], [ 1601125460972, 21 ], [ 1601125463133, 22 ], [ 1601125485000, 25 ], [ 1601125490429, 23 ], [ 1601125493534, 24 ], [ 1601125515000, 25 ], [ 1601125521678, 21 ], [ 1601125545000, 24 ], [ 1601125550316, 24 ], [ 1601125553501, 24 ], [ 1601125575000, 23 ], [ 1601125582189, 23 ], [ 1601125605000, 24 ], [ 1601125611083, 21 ], [ 1601125635000, 24 ], [ 1601125643021, 22 ], [ 1601125665000, 29 ], [ 1601125670475, 29 ], [ 1601125673468, 31 ], [ 1601125695000, 30 ], [ 1601125700299, 30 ], [ 1601125703292, 29 ], [ 1601125725000, 30 ], [ 1601125730203, 30 ], [ 1601125733197, 29 ], [ 1601125755000, 30 ], [ 1601125760348, 24 ], [ 1601125763469, 24 ], [ 1601125785000, 24 ], [ 1601125788587, 26 ], [ 1601125789787, 26 ], [ 1601125790988, 26 ], [ 1601125792156, 26 ], [ 1601125793309, 106 ], [ 1601125815000, 51 ], [ 1601125819371, 26 ], [ 1601125820539, 26 ], [ 1601125821692, 26 ], [ 1601125822876, 27 ], [ 1601125824093, 26 ], [ 1601125845000, 52 ], [ 1601125848905, 26 ], [ 1601125850073, 52 ], [ 1601125851259, 25 ], [ 1601125852491, 27 ], [ 1601125853644, 26 ], [ 1601125875000, 44 ], [ 1601125881195, 23 ], [ 1601125884365, 22 ], [ 1601125905000, 23 ], [ 1601125911707, 22 ], [ 1601125935000, 23 ], [ 1601125943513, 21 ], [ 1601125965000, 23 ], [ 1601125972026, 22 ], [ 1601125995000, 23 ], [ 1601126003977, 19 ], [ 1601126025000, 23 ], [ 1601126032343, 22 ], [ 1601126055000, 23 ], [ 1601126060807, 22 ], [ 1601126064361, 20 ] ]

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL:   Trying

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn0] Waiting 30 secs for next request due to previous failure

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Connected to ( port 5582 (#99470)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Expire in 1000 ms for 0 (transfer 0xcb63e8)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Sent 1475 bytes.. 

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1601124225000, 25 ], [ 1601125455000, 24 ], [ 1601125460972, 21 ], [ 1601125463133, 22 ], [ 1601125485000, 25 ], [ 1601125490429, 23 ], [ 1601125493534, 24 ], [ 1601125515000, 25 ], [ 1601125521678, 21 ], [ 1601125545000, 24 ], [ 1601125550316, 24 ], [ 1601125553501, 24 ], [ 1601125575000, 23 ], [ 1601125582189, 23 ], [ 1601125605000, 24 ], [ 1601125611083, 21 ], [ 1601125635000, 24 ], [ 1601125643021, 22 ], [ 1601125665000, 29 ], [ 1601125670475, 29 ], [ 1601125673468, 31 ], [ 1601125695000, 30 ], [ 1601125700299, 30 ], [ 1601125703292, 29 ], [ 1601125725000, 30 ], [ 1601125730203, 30 ], [ 1601125733197, 29 ], [ 1601125755000, 30 ], [ 1601125760348, 24 ], [ 1601125763469, 24 ], [ 1601125785000, 24 ], [ 1601125788587, 26 ], [ 1601125789787, 26 ], [ 1601125790988, 26 ], [ 1601125792156, 26 ], [ 1601125793309, 106 ], [ 1601125815000, 51 ], [ 1601125819371, 26 ], [ 1601125820539, 26 ], [ 1601125821692, 26 ], [ 1601125822876, 27 ], [ 1601125824093, 26 ], [ 1601125845000, 52 ], [ 1601125848905, 26 ], [ 1601125850073, 52 ], [ 1601125851259, 25 ], [ 1601125852491, 27 ], [ 1601125853644, 26 ], [ 1601125875000, 44 ], [ 1601125881195, 23 ], [ 1601125884365, 22 ], [ 1601125905000, 23 ], [ 1601125911707, 22 ], [ 1601125935000, 23 ], [ 1601125943513, 21 ], [ 1601125965000, 23 ], [ 1601125972026, 22 ], [ 1601125995000, 23 ], [ 1601126003977, 19 ], [ 1601126025000, 23 ], [ 1601126032343, 22 ], [ 1601126055000, 23 ], [ 1601126060807, 22 ], [ 1601126064361, 20 ] ]' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: We are completely uploaded and fine

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Received 1 bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Received '1' bytes

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL: Closing connection 99470

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] CURL Error from middleware: continue

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] Waiting 30 secs for next request due to previous failure

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401831.20 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401831.20 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=187.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=80.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=24.00 ts=1601623341625

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401831.20 ts=1601623341625)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623341625, 3401831.2000000002 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=187.00 ts=1601623341625)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=80.00 ts=1601623341625)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623341625)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:21][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=24.00 ts=1601623341625)

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623341625, 24 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623341625, 84 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623341625, 187 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623341625, 80 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:21][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=3401831.30 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=3401831.30 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=189.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=81.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=84.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][mtr1] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=24.00 ts=1601623343499

[Oct 02 09:22:23][chn2] Adding reading to queue (value=3401831.30 ts=1601623343499)

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] added to uuid 953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "953169b0-2cd3-11ea-9c47-49ce2e2dc950", "tuples": [ [ 1601623343499, 3401831.3000000003 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:23][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=189.00 ts=1601623343499)

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] added to uuid c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208

[Oct 02 09:22:23][chn4] Adding reading to queue (value=81.00 ts=1601623343499)

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] added to uuid 5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601

[Oct 02 09:22:23][chn5] Adding reading to queue (value=84.00 ts=1601623343499)

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] added to uuid 03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488

[Oct 02 09:22:23][chn6] Adding reading to queue (value=24.00 ts=1601623343499)

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] added to uuid 25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "25f6a4c0-3562-11ea-8128-f76b27607ea0", "tuples": [ [ 1601623343499, 24 ] ] }, { "uuid": "03c33020-3562-11ea-846f-179bde755488", "tuples": [ [ 1601623343499, 84 ] ] }, { "uuid": "c8307540-2cd3-11ea-9cb4-a946cafba208", "tuples": [ [ 1601623343499, 189 ] ] }, { "uuid": "5d3fcca0-355e-11ea-a4c0-6d550faa9601", "tuples": [ [ 1601623343499, 81 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:23][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Got 10 new readings from meter:

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=6966770.20 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=17.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:36.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:36.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:56.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:56.7.0*255 value=8.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:76.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:76.7.0*255 value=0.00 ts=1601623344536

[Oct 02 09:22:24][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=6966770.20 ts=1601623344536)

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] added to uuid 6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869

[Oct 02 09:22:24][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=17.00 ts=1601623344536)

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "6811dd00-24ec-11ea-b5bf-d1775b221869", "tuples": [ [ 1601623344536, 6966770.2000000002 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623344536, 17 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] send ok to url



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With Regards,

Abhijit Dhopate


From: volkszaehler-users <volkszaehler-users-bounces at demo.volkszaehler.org> On Behalf Of Frank Richter
Sent: 02/Oct/2020 11:00 PM
To: volkszaehler.org - users <volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org>
Subject: Re: [vz-users] Datenverlust zwischen Vlogger und Middleware.


Zeig uns mal deine vzlogger.conf und einen längeren Log-Auszug. Das Log im ersten Beitrag zeigt nur Push-Einträge, die landen nicht in der Datenbank.





Abhijit Dhopate <abhijit.dhopate at gmail.com <mailto:abhijit.dhopate at gmail.com> > schrieb am Fr., 2. Okt. 2020, 22:55:

Ganz sicher!

Ich denke es ist nicht wegen Zeit oder so. Im gesamt System habe ich 7 Kanäle. Und 1 funktioniert einwandfrei. Aber andere 6 hat Probleme. 


Wie kann ich die Daten von VZLogger über Middleware bis hin zur Datenbank überprüfen?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Abhijit Dhopate 

On Fri, 2 Oct 2020, 10:40 pm Stefan Bauer, <spam at stefan-bauer.net <mailto:spam at stefan-bauer.net> > wrote:

Stimmt die Zeit beim PC? Bist Du da in der „aktuellen Zeit“?

Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 02.10.2020 um 18:37 schrieb Abhijit Dhopate <abhijit.dhopate at gmail.com <mailto:abhijit.dhopate at gmail.com> >:

danke ... aber wie kann man das korrigieren?
Ich klicke einfach auf front end...


On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 1:12 PM Stefan Bauer <spam at stefan-bauer.net <mailto:spam at stefan-bauer.net> > wrote:

Deine Frontend-Abrage nutzt einen ganz anderen Zeitstempel, außerdem fragst Du nur einen Zeitpunkt ab...



Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 02.10.2020 um 12:24 schrieb Abhijit Dhopate <abhijit.dhopate at gmail.com <mailto:abhijit.dhopate at gmail.com> >:

Hallo zusammen,

seit langem benutze ich volkszaehler (im Docker). Vzlogger lauft auf dem PI und überträgt die Daten an die Middleware, die auf dem Synology Docker ist .Ich lese die Messwerte auch mit MQTT und danach zeigt die im Home Assistant. Funktioniert einwandfrei. 

Jetzt meine Problem.

Als Routineüberprüfung habe ich meine Installation überprüft. Und um mich zu überraschen, kann ich im Frontend keine Daten sehen. Ich sehe jedoch, dass Daten von vzlogger gepusht wurden.

Im Vzlogger.log

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] added to uuid d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] send ok to url

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "d1888890-2cce-11ea-b904-e7ff18ef0337", "tuples": [ [ 1601623344536, 17 ] ] } ] }

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Oct 02 09:22:24][push] send ok to url

Aber in Frontend der zeigt :

Ich habe zusammen 7 Kanal (verschiedene UUID). Von 7, funktioniert nur 1 (der zeigt mir Messwert in Front end). Alle andere 6 hat keine daten.
Kann jemand vermuten, was hier los ist...



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With Regards,

Abhijit Dhopate
Mobile No. +49 (0)152 5517 9880 | Abhijit.Dhopate at Gmail.com <mailto:Abhijit.Dhopate at Gmail.com> 
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