[vz-users] Hilfe bei der Einstellung der Vz Sowtware
jochen384 at gmail.com
jochen384 at gmail.com
Do Jun 16 10:25:25 CEST 2022
ich habe gedacht, dass ich das so in die Beispieldatei einfügen muss..
Von: volkszaehler-users <volkszaehler-users-bounces at demo.volkszaehler.org> Im Auftrag von Frank Richter
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022 10:17
An: volkszaehler.org - users <volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org>
Betreff: Re: [vz-users] Hilfe bei der Einstellung der Vz Sowtware
Das ist die Beispiel-Config. Wo/wie hast du deine angepasste gespeichert?
<jochen384 at gmail.com <mailto:jochen384 at gmail.com> > schrieb am Do., 16. Juni 2022, 10:14:
pi at raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/vzlogger.conf
* vzlogger configuration
* Use properly encoded JSON with javascript comments
* Take a look at the wiki for detailed information:
* http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/controller/vzlogger#configuration
* For an online configuration editor refer to:
* http://volkszaehler.github.io/vzlogger/
// General settings
"verbosity": 5, // log verbosity (0=log_alert, 1=log_error, 3=log_warning, 5=log_info, 10=log_debug, 15=log_finest)
"log": "/var/log/vzlogger/vzlogger.log", // log file, optional
"retry": 30, // http retry delay in seconds
// Build-in HTTP server
"local": {
"enabled": false, // enable local HTTPd for serving live readings
"port": 8080, // TCP port for local HTTPd
"index": true, // provide index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested
"timeout": 30, // timeout for long polling comet requests in seconds (0 disables comet)
"buffer": -1 // HTTPd buffer configuration for serving readings, default -1
// >0: number of seconds of readings to serve
// <0: number of tuples to server per channel (e.g. -3 will serve 3 tuples)
// realtime notification settings
"push": [
"url": "" // notification destination, e.g. frontend push-server
// mqtt client support (if ENABLE_MQTT set at cmake generation)
"mqtt": {
"enabled": false, // enable mqtt client. needs host and port as well
"host": "test.mosquitto.org <http://test.mosquitto.org> ", // mqtt server addr
"port": 1883, // 1883 for unencrypted, 8883 enc, 8884 enc cert needed,
"cafile": "", // optional file with server CA
"capath": "", // optional path for server CAs. see mosquitto.conf. Specify only cafile or capath
"certfile": "", // optional file for your client certificate (e.g. client.crt)
"keyfile": "", // optional path for your client certficate private key (e.g. client.key)
"keypass": "", // optional password for your private key
"keepalive": 30, // optional keepalive in seconds.
"topic": "vzlogger/data", // optional topic dont use $ at start and no / at end
"id": "", // optional static id, if not set "vzlogger_<pid>" will be used
"user": "", // optional user name for the mqtt server
"pass": "", // optional password for the mqtt server
"retain": false, // optional use retain message flag
"rawAndAgg": false, // optional publish raw values even if agg mode is used
"qos": 0, // optional quality of service, default is 0
"timestamp": false // optional whether to include a timestamp in the payload
// Meter configuration
"meters": [
"retry": 3,
"verbosity": 1,
"log": "/var/log/vzlogger/vzlogger.log",
"enabled": false,
"port": 8081,
"index": false,
"timeout": 30,
"buffer": 600
"protocol": "sml",
"enabled": true,
"allowskip": true,
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"parity": "8N1",
"baudrate": 9600,
"aggtime": 5,
"uuid": "[Kanal-ID]",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.0*255",
"aggmode": "max"
"uuid": "[Kanal-ID]",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "1-0:2.8.0*255",
"aggmode": "max"
"uuid": "[Kanal-ID]",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "1-0:16.7.0*255",
"aggmode": "avg"
// Example SML meter
"enabled": false, // disabled meters will be ignored (default)
"allowskip": false, // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
"protocol": "sml", // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB1", // meter device
// "host": "http://my.ddns.net::7331", // uri if meter not locally connected using <device>
"aggtime": 10, // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds
"channels": [{
"api": "volkszaehler", // middleware api, default volkszaehler
"uuid": "fde8f1d0-c5d0-11e0-856e-f9e4360ced10",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "power" // OBIS identifier (alias for '1-0:1.7.ff')
// see 'vzlogger -h' for available aliases
// see 'vzlogger -v20' for available identifiers for attached meters
}, {
"uuid": "a8da012a-9eb4-49ed-b7f3-38c95142a90c",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "counter", // OBIS identifier
"duplicates": 10 // duplicate handling, default 0 (send duplicate values)
// >0: send duplicate values only each <duplicates> seconds
// Activate only for abs. counter values (Zaehlerstaende) and not for impulses
}, {
"uuid": "d5c6db0f-533e-498d-a85a-be972c104b48",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.0" // OBIS identifier
// Example S0 meter
"enabled": false, // disabled meters will be ignored (default)
"allowskip": false, // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
"protocol": "s0", // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0", // meter device
"aggtime": 300, // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds
"aggfixedinterval": true, // round timestamps to nearest <aggtime> before sending to middleware
"channel": {
"identifier": "Impulse", // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"
"uuid": "d495a390-f747-11e0-b3ca-f7890e45c7b2",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"aggmode": "SUM" // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval
// "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)
// "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)
// "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)
// Example D0 meter
"enabled": false, // disabled meters will be ignored (default)
"allowskip": false, // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
"protocol": "d0", // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list
"device": "/dev/ttyUSB0", // meter device
"dump_file": "/var/log/d0.txt", // detailed log file for all received/transmitted data (optional)
"parity": "7E1", // Serial parity, 7E1 or 8N1
"baudrate": 9600, // Serial baud rate, typically 9600 or 300
// optional D0 interface settings
// "pullseq": "2F3F210D0A", // Pull sequence in 'hex'
// "ackseq": "063030300d0a", // optional (default: keine Antwortsequenz auf Zaehlerantwort) kann entweder feste hex-Sequenz sein (z.B. 063035300d0a für mode C mit 9600bd oder 063030300d0a = 300bd) oder kann auf "auto" gesetzt werden, damit die Sequenz autom. berechnet wird und autom. auf die max. Baudrate umgeschaltet wird (baudrate_read wird dann ignoriert)
// "read_timeout": 10, // optional read timeout, default 10s. Data reading is considered finished if no state change after that timeout
// "baudrate_change_delay": 400, // optional, default none. Delay value in ms after ACKSEQ send before baudrate change
// "baudrate_read": 300, // Baudratenumschaltung auf gewünschte Baudrate, abhängig von Zählerantwort
// "aggtime": 20, // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds
"interval": 0, // Wartezeit in Sekunden bis neue Werte in die middleware übertragen werden
"channel": {
"uuid": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeee",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "1-0:1.8.1" // OBIS identifier
// "aggmode": "MAX" // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval
// examples for non-device protocols
"enabled": false, // disabled meters will be ignored
"allowskip": false, // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
"protocol": "random",
"interval": 2,
"max": 40.0, // has to be double!
"min": -5.0, // has to be double!
"channel": {
"uuid": "bac2e840-f72c-11e0-bedf-3f850c1e5a66",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php"
"enabled": false, // disabled meters will be ignored
"allowskip": false, // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
"protocol": "file",
"path": "/proc/loadavg",
// "format": "$i $v $t", // a format string for parsing complex logfiles
// arbitrary text and whitespaces are allowed, see 'scanf()'
// at least $v has to be used
// $i => identifier, $v => value, $t => timestamp
"rewind": true, // reset file pointer each interval to the beginning of the file
"interval": 2 // if ommitted, we will try to listen on changes with inotify
"enabled": false, // disabled meters will be ignored
"allowskip": false, // if enabled, errors when opening meter will lead to meter being ignored
"protocol": "exec",
"command": "python /path/to/yourscript.py", // is the command line as you'll type it in the shell - remember to test your command from the root directory
// "format": "$i $v $t", // a format string for parsing complex logfiles
// arbitrary text and whitespaces are allowed, see 'scanf()'
// at least $v has to be used
// $i => identifier, $v => value, $t => timestamp
"interval": 2
// examples for Flukso-based sensors
"enabled": false, // disabled meters will be ignored
"allowskip": false, // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled
"protocol": "fluksov2",
"fifo": "/var/spid/delta/out",
"channel": {
"uuid": "3b4da450-42a8-11e1-8b8d-c526d853edec",
"middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
"identifier": "sensor0/power" // or "sensor2/consumption"
// example for 1wire temp sensors
"enabled": false,
"allowskip": true,
"protocol": "w1therm"
Von: volkszaehler-users <volkszaehler-users-bounces at demo.volkszaehler.org <mailto:volkszaehler-users-bounces at demo.volkszaehler.org> > Im Auftrag von Frank Richter
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022 10:10
An: volkszaehler.org <http://volkszaehler.org> - users <volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org <mailto:volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org> >
Betreff: Re: [vz-users] Hilfe bei der Einstellung der Vz Sowtware
Da fehlt der Schrägstrich vor etc
Also korrekt: cat /etc/vzlogger.conf
Dann stellt sich natürlich die Frage, ob du überhaupt die richtige Datei editiert hast?
Vielleicht liegt dir WinSCP mehr als ein Terminal? Kannst dir ja mal anschauen.
<jochen384 at gmail.com <mailto:jochen384 at gmail.com> > schrieb am Do., 16. Juni 2022, 10:04:
Ja hier ist mein Schach Matt!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: volkszaehler-users <volkszaehler-users-bounces at demo.volkszaehler.org <mailto:volkszaehler-users-bounces at demo.volkszaehler.org> > Im Auftrag von Christian Weiske
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022 09:27
An: volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org <mailto:volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org>
Betreff: Re: [vz-users] Hilfe bei der Einstellung der Vz Sowtware
Hallo Jochen,
> ich habe jetzt die Entsprechenden Zählerkonfiguration (https://wiki.volkszaehler.org/hardware/channels/meters/power/edl-ehz/iskraemeco_mt176)
> hineinkopiert... kann aber nicht sagen ob das stimmt..
> Es wird weiterhin keine Kurve angezeigt.
Zeig uns doch mal deine komplette Konfigurationsdatei.
Regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christian Weiske
-=≡ Geeking around in the name of science since 1982 ≡=-
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