[vz-users] CURL Error from middleware: 1062 Duplicate entry

hartmann-micha at web.de hartmann-micha at web.de
Fr Dez 22 09:38:09 CET 2023



ich logge auf [chn3] alle 200s Wasserzählerstände, die wenn kein Wasser
entnommen wird naturgemäß unverändert bleiben.



In vzlogger.log finde ich nun folgende Fehler:


[Dec 21 23:50:03][chn3] Middleware says duplicated value. Removing first

[Dec 21 23:50:03][chn3] CURL Error from middleware:
'UniqueConstraintViolationException': 'An exception occurred while executing
'INSERT INTO data (channel_id, timestamp, value) VALUES (22,?,?)' with
params [1703198856000, 367.79669]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint
violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 


[Dec 21 23:53:24][chn3] Middleware says duplicated value. Removing first

[Dec 21 23:53:24][chn3] CURL Error from middleware:
'UniqueConstraintViolationException': 'An exception occurred while executing
'INSERT INTO data (channel_id, timestamp, value) VALUES (22,?,?)' with
params [1703199036000, 367.79669]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint
violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 


[Dec 21 23:56:44][chn3] Middleware says duplicated value. Removing first

[Dec 21 23:56:44][chn3] CURL Error from middleware:
'UniqueConstraintViolationException': 'An exception occurred while executing
'INSERT INTO data (channel_id, timestamp, value) VALUES (22,?,?)' with
params [1703199215000, 367.79669]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint
violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 


[Dec 22 00:00:04][chn3] Middleware says duplicated value. Removing first

[Dec 22 00:00:04][chn3] CURL Error from middleware:
'UniqueConstraintViolationException': 'An exception occurred while executing
'INSERT INTO data (channel_id, timestamp, value) VALUES (22,?,?)' with
params [1703199395000, 367.79669]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint
violation: 1062 Duplicate entry


Dennoch finden sich die Datensätze erwartungsgemäß in der DB, denn
schließlich haben sie fortlaufende Zeitstempel:


MariaDB [volkszaehler]> select* from data where channel_id=22 and timestamp
between 1703198856000 and 1703199395000;


| id       | channel_id | timestamp     | value     |


| 42239032 |         22 | 1703198856000 | 367.79669 |

| 42239089 |         22 | 1703199036000 | 367.79669 |

| 42239141 |         22 | 1703199215000 | 367.79669 |

| 42239196 |         22 | 1703199395000 | 367.79669 |



Kann mir jemand beantworten wo das Problem liegt?


Viele Grüße




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