[vz-users] dbcopy target port

Lars Täuber lars.taeuber at web.de
Mon Sep 11 08:47:36 CEST 2017

Good morning!

Sat, 9 Sep 2017 06:28:08 +0200
Daniel Lauckner <vz at jahp.de> ==> "volkszaehler.org - users" <volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org> :
> Hallo,
> am Freitag, 8. September 2017 um 19:07 hat Tino geschrieben:
> > I would prefer to run the
> > middleware on my Raspi and only move the DB to the NAS.  
> Worked pretty well over here. I had to change a second time, but it
> had nothing to do with the NAS.
> > Any suggestions for running the DB on Synology?  
> I guess the actual "app" thats listening on port 3307 is
> MariaDB10? In this case you have to change the port.
> 1) make sure no older installation of MariaDB is runing. In case
> deinstall it first.
> 2) activate SSH on the NAS, log in as user admin.
> 3) sudo cp /usr/local/mariadb10/etc/mysql/my.cnf /var/packages/MariaDB10/etc/my.cnf
> 4) sudo vi /var/packages/MariaDB10/etc/my.cnf
> 5) change these lines:
>    [client]
>    port = 3306
>    [mysqld]
>    port = 3306
> (if you are not familiar with vi you should look for a quick overview first)
> 6) restart the NAS
> Now the DB is listening to the needed port. To move the VZ-DB to the NAS:

Maybe volkszaehler should be enhanced to be able to configure not only a host but also a port for the DB. It might happen that the next update of such appliances (NAS) go wrong or be prohibited because of such changes.


Lars Täuber <lars.taeuber at web.de>

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