[vz-users] Eltako DSZ12A keine Daten über S0 Schnittstelle

Werbemails Guido gfmail at onlinehome.de
Sa Feb 15 16:27:13 CET 2020

Halllo zusammen

ich betreibe seit kurzem einen VZlogger und bekomme über eine S0 
Schnittstelle keine Daten.

Hier die Konfiguration

Plattform: Raspberry PI Model B + Rev 1.2 mit Erweiterung mit 
Schaltausgängen_Rev.1; volkzähler von offiziellem Image

VZLogger Version 0.8.0

Zum Problem: ich bekomme über die S0 Schnittstelle vomEltako SDZ12A 
keine Daten (ist Stromverbrauch Elektroauto in der conf.).

Wenn ich die beiden S0 Anschlüsse tausche, bekomme ich Daten über den 
funktionierenden S0 Zähler rein (Wasserverbrauch Hausanschluss), der 
Eltako SDZ12A bleibt stumm. +/- ist richtig angeschlossen, ein 
"falsches" Anschliessen bring auch kein Signal

Wenn ich den Widerstand über den S0 Zähler am Kabel messe, ist der 
relativ hoch und fällt dann zum impuls kurz auf 0, das führt aber zu 
keinem sichtbaren Signal im Webserver oder im Logfile.

Ich habe nur ein Multimeter zum Messen.

Kann ich den Raspberry so konfigurieren, dass er das Signal mitbekommt?

Im Anhang das log file und die Konfiguration.

Vielen Dank

Guido Fett

-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit HTML-Daten wurde abgetrennt...
URL: <http://demo.volkszaehler.org/pipermail/volkszaehler-users/attachments/20200215/99baacf9/attachment-0001.html>
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
  "retry": 30,
  "daemon": true,
  "verbosity": 15,
  "log": "/tmp/vzlogger.log",
  "push": [],
  "local": {
    "enabled": true,
    "port": 8080,
    "index": true,
    "timeout": 30,
    "buffer": 600
  "meters": [
      // Stromzähler Bezug
      "enabled": true,
      "allowskip": true,
      "interval": -1,
      "aggtime": -1,
      "aggfixedinterval": false,
      "channels": [
          "api": "volkszaehler",
          "uuid": "62551880-405d-11ea-a71f-0172aab65ba6",
          "identifier": "1-0:1.8.2",
          "middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
          "aggmode": "none",
          "duplicates": 0
      "protocol": "sml",
      "device": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
      "pullseq": "",
      "baudrate": 9600,
      "parity": "8n1",
      "use_local_time": false
      // Wasserverbrauch Hausanschluss
      "enabled": true,
      "allowskip": true,
      "interval": -1,
      "aggtime": -1,
      "aggfixedinterval": false,
      "channels": [
          "api": "volkszaehler",
          "uuid": "8fb9f300-405d-11ea-a77c-a987446b9352",
          "identifier": "Impulse",
          "middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
          "aggmode": "sum",
          "duplicates": 0
      "protocol": "s0",
      "device": "",
      "gpio": 4,
      "mmap": "",
      "gpio_dir": -1,
      "configureGPIO": true,
      "resolution": 1000,
      "send_zero": false,
      "debounce_delay": 30,
      "nonblocking_delay": 100000
      // Stromverbrauch Elektroauto
      "enabled": true,
      "allowskip": true,
      "interval": -1,
      "aggtime": -1,
      "aggfixedinterval": false,
      "channels": [
          "api": "volkszaehler",
          "uuid": "9cea8950-405d-11ea-89ed-2752dca09540",
          "identifier": "Impulse",
          "middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php",
          "aggmode": "sum",
          "duplicates": 0
      "protocol": "s0",
      "device": "",
      "gpio": 18,
      "mmap": "",
      "gpio_dir": -1,
      "configureGPIO": true,
      "resolution": 100,
      "send_zero": false,
      "debounce_delay": 30,
      "nonblocking_delay": 100000
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
[Feb 14 22:24:42][main] vzlogger v0.8.0 based on heads/master-0-g8d06176360 from Sat, 18 Jan 2020 09:23:08 +0100 started.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][push] Ignoring push entry due to empty array or duplicate section
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][sml]  pullseq len:0 found
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       Configure channel.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...b65ba6 api=volkszaehler id=1-0:1.8.2)
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Creating new meter with protocol s0.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal gpio.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Meter configured, enabled.
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       New meter initialized (protocol=s0)
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       Configure channel.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...6b9352 api=volkszaehler id=Impulse)
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Creating new meter with protocol s0.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal gpio.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Meter configured, enabled.
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       New meter initialized (protocol=s0)
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       Configure channel.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn2] New channel initialized (uuid=...a09540 api=volkszaehler id=Impulse)
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       Have 3 meters.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][main] log level is 15
[Feb 14 22:24:42][main] daemon=1, local=1
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       Daemonize process...
[Feb 14 22:24:42]       Opened logfile /tmp/vzlogger.log
[Feb 14 22:24:42][push] No pushDataServer defined.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][]     ===> Start meters
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Meter connection established
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Meter thread started
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn0] Logging thread started
[Feb 14 22:24:42][s0]   counter_thread created
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Meter connection established
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Meter thread started
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn1] Logging thread started
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr0] Config.local: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:42][s0]   Counter thread started with blocking hwif
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Number of readers: 4
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Config.daemon: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr1] Config.local: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes
[Feb 14 22:24:42][s0]   counter_thread created
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Meter connection established
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Meter thread started
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Number of readers: 4
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Config.daemon: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:42][mtr2] Config.local: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:42][s0]   Counter thread started with blocking hwif
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn2] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn2] Using default volkszaehler api.
[Feb 14 22:24:42][chn2] Logging thread started
[Feb 14 22:24:42][http] Starting local interface HTTPd on port 8080
[Feb 14 22:24:42][]     Startup done.
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070630.60 ts=1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070630.70 ts=1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3244.10 ts=1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070630.70 ts=1581715483290)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] compare: 0 1581715483290
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715483290, 2070630.7000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 1 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 1 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 2 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 2 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 1 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 1 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 4 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 3 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 3 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 4 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 4 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 4 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 4 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 4 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 4 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 5 ms for 1 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL:   Trying ::1...
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 14991 ms for 3 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715483290, 2070630.7000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:43][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:43][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:43][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070631.90 ts=1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070632.00 ts=1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3233.80 ts=1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070632.00 ts=1581715484731)
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] compare: 1581715483290 1581715484731
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715484731, 2070632 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715484731, 2070632 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:44][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:44][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:44][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:45][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:45][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070633.20 ts=1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070633.30 ts=1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3232.10 ts=1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070633.30 ts=1581715486172)
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] compare: 1581715484731 1581715486172
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715486172, 2070633.3 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715486172, 2070633.3 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:46][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:46][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:46][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070634.50 ts=1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070634.60 ts=1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3247.70 ts=1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070634.60 ts=1581715487614)
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] compare: 1581715486172 1581715487614
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715487614, 2070634.6000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715487614, 2070634.6000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:47][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:47][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:47][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:48][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:48][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070635.90 ts=1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070636.00 ts=1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3238.30 ts=1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070636.00 ts=1581715489167)
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] compare: 1581715487614 1581715489167
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715489167, 2070636 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715489167, 2070636 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:49][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:49][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:49][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070637.20 ts=1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070637.30 ts=1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3242.50 ts=1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070637.30 ts=1581715490608)
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] compare: 1581715489167 1581715490608
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715490608, 2070637.3 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715490608, 2070637.3 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:50][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:50][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:50][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:51][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:51][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070638.50 ts=1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070638.60 ts=1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3238.70 ts=1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070638.60 ts=1581715492050)
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] compare: 1581715490608 1581715492050
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715492050, 2070638.6000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715492050, 2070638.6000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:52][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:52][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:52][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070639.80 ts=1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070639.90 ts=1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3249.70 ts=1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070639.90 ts=1581715493507)
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] compare: 1581715492050 1581715493507
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715493507, 2070639.9000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715493507, 2070639.9000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:53][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:53][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:53][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:54][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:54][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070641.10 ts=1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070641.20 ts=1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3234.70 ts=1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070641.20 ts=1581715494948)
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] compare: 1581715493507 1581715494948
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715494948, 2070641.2000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715494948, 2070641.2000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:54][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:55][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:55][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:55][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:55][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:55][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:55][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:55][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070642.40 ts=1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070642.50 ts=1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3239.90 ts=1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070642.50 ts=1581715496389)
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] compare: 1581715494948 1581715496389
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715496389, 2070642.5 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715496389, 2070642.5 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:56][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:56][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:56][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:57][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:57][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070643.70 ts=1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070643.80 ts=1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3247.00 ts=1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070643.80 ts=1581715497830)
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] compare: 1581715496389 1581715497830
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715497830, 2070643.8 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715497830, 2070643.8 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:57][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:58][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:58][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070645.00 ts=1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070645.10 ts=1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3241.10 ts=1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070645.10 ts=1581715499271)
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] compare: 1581715497830 1581715499271
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715499271, 2070645.1000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715499271, 2070645.1000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:24:59][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:24:59][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:24:59][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070646.30 ts=1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070646.40 ts=1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3249.90 ts=1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070646.40 ts=1581715500713)
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] compare: 1581715499271 1581715500713
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715500713, 2070646.4000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715500713, 2070646.4000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:00][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:00][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:00][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:01][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:01][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070647.60 ts=1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070647.70 ts=1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3239.00 ts=1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070647.70 ts=1581715502169)
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] compare: 1581715500713 1581715502169
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715502169, 2070647.7000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715502169, 2070647.7000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:02][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:02][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:02][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070648.90 ts=1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070649.00 ts=1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3244.40 ts=1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070649.00 ts=1581715503611)
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] compare: 1581715502169 1581715503611
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715503611, 2070649 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715503611, 2070649 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:03][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:03][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:03][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:04][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:04][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070650.20 ts=1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070650.30 ts=1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3236.60 ts=1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070650.30 ts=1581715505052)
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] compare: 1581715503611 1581715505052
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715505052, 2070650.3 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715505052, 2070650.3 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:05][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:05][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:05][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070651.50 ts=1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070651.60 ts=1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3246.70 ts=1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070651.60 ts=1581715506493)
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] compare: 1581715505052 1581715506493
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715506493, 2070651.6000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715506493, 2070651.6000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:06][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:06][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:06][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:07][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:07][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070652.80 ts=1581715507934
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715507934
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715507935
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715507935
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070652.90 ts=1581715507935
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715507935
[Feb 14 22:25:07][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3237.20 ts=1581715507935
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070652.90 ts=1581715507935)
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] compare: 1581715506493 1581715507935
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715507935, 2070652.9000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715507935, 2070652.9000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:07][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:08][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:08][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:08][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:08][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:08][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:08][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:08][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070654.10 ts=1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070654.20 ts=1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3242.50 ts=1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070654.20 ts=1581715509375)
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] compare: 1581715507935 1581715509375
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715509375, 2070654.2000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715509375, 2070654.2000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:09][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:09][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:09][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:10][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:10][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070655.40 ts=1581715510832
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715510832
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715510833
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715510833
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070655.50 ts=1581715510833
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715510833
[Feb 14 22:25:10][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3239.20 ts=1581715510833
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070655.50 ts=1581715510833)
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] compare: 1581715509375 1581715510833
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715510833, 2070655.5 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715510833, 2070655.5 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:10][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:11][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:11][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:11][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:11][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:11][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:11][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:11][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070656.70 ts=1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070656.80 ts=1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3252.00 ts=1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070656.80 ts=1581715512258)
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] compare: 1581715510833 1581715512258
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715512258, 2070656.8 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715512258, 2070656.8 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:12][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:12][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:12][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070658.00 ts=1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070658.10 ts=1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3234.80 ts=1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070658.10 ts=1581715513715)
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] compare: 1581715512258 1581715513715
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715513715, 2070658.1000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715513715, 2070658.1000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:13][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:13][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:13][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:14][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:14][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070659.30 ts=1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070659.40 ts=1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3238.30 ts=1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070659.40 ts=1581715515140)
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] compare: 1581715513715 1581715515140
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715515140, 2070659.4000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715515140, 2070659.4000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:15][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:15][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:15][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070660.60 ts=1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070660.70 ts=1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3244.30 ts=1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070660.70 ts=1581715516597)
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] compare: 1581715515140 1581715516597
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715516597, 2070660.7000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715516597, 2070660.7000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:16][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:16][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:16][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:17][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:17][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070661.90 ts=1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070662.00 ts=1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3241.20 ts=1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070662.00 ts=1581715518038)
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] compare: 1581715516597 1581715518038
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715518038, 2070662 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715518038, 2070662 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:18][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:18][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:18][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070663.20 ts=1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070663.30 ts=1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3252.30 ts=1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070663.30 ts=1581715519496)
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] compare: 1581715518038 1581715519496
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715519496, 2070663.3 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715519496, 2070663.3 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:19][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:19][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:19][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:20][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:20][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070664.50 ts=1581715520920
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715520921
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715520921
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715520921
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070664.60 ts=1581715520921
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715520921
[Feb 14 22:25:20][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3239.30 ts=1581715520921
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070664.60 ts=1581715520921)
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] compare: 1581715519496 1581715520921
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715520921, 2070664.6000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715520921, 2070664.6000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:20][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:21][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:21][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070665.80 ts=1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070665.90 ts=1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3232.20 ts=1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070665.90 ts=1581715522377)
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] compare: 1581715520921 1581715522377
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715522377, 2070665.9000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715522377, 2070665.9000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:22][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:22][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:22][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:23][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:23][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070667.10 ts=1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070667.20 ts=1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3247.00 ts=1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070667.20 ts=1581715523818)
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] compare: 1581715522377 1581715523818
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715523818, 2070667.2000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715523818, 2070667.2000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:23][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:24][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:24][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070668.40 ts=1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070668.50 ts=1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3242.80 ts=1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070668.50 ts=1581715525260)
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] compare: 1581715523818 1581715525260
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715525260, 2070668.5 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715525260, 2070668.5 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:25][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:25][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:25][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070669.70 ts=1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070669.80 ts=1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3241.70 ts=1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070669.80 ts=1581715526685)
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] compare: 1581715525260 1581715526685
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715526685, 2070669.8 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Sent 32 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715526685, 2070669.8 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 32 out of 32 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:26][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:26][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:26][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:27][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:27][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070671.00 ts=1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070671.10 ts=1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3235.70 ts=1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070671.10 ts=1581715528157)
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] compare: 1581715526685 1581715528157
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715528157, 2070671.1000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715528157, 2070671.1000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:28][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:28][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:28][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070672.30 ts=1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070672.40 ts=1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3246.70 ts=1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070672.40 ts=1581715529582)
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] compare: 1581715528157 1581715529582
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715529582, 2070672.4000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715529582, 2070672.4000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:29][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:29][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:29][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:30][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:30][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070673.60 ts=1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070673.70 ts=1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3237.80 ts=1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070673.70 ts=1581715531040)
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] compare: 1581715529582 1581715531040
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715531040, 2070673.7000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715531040, 2070673.7000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:31][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:31][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:31][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070674.90 ts=1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070675.00 ts=1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3234.80 ts=1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070675.00 ts=1581715532513)
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] compare: 1581715531040 1581715532513
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715532513, 2070675 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715532513, 2070675 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:32][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:32][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:32][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:33][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:33][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070676.30 ts=1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070676.40 ts=1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3254.90 ts=1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070676.40 ts=1581715534034)
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] compare: 1581715532513 1581715534034
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715534034, 2070676.4000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715534034, 2070676.4000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:34][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:34][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:34][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070677.60 ts=1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070677.70 ts=1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3249.40 ts=1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070677.70 ts=1581715535459)
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] compare: 1581715534034 1581715535459
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715535459, 2070677.7000000002 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715535459, 2070677.7000000002 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:35][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:35][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:35][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:36][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:36][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070679.00 ts=1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070679.10 ts=1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3252.50 ts=1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070679.10 ts=1581715537029)
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] compare: 1581715535459 1581715537029
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715537029, 2070679.1000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715537029, 2070679.1000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:37][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:37][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:37][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.0*255 value=2070680.30 ts=1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.0*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.1*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.1*255 value=13.10 ts=1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:1.8.2*255 value=2070680.40 ts=1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:2.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:2.8.2*255 value=0.00 ts=1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:16.7.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:16.7.0*255 value=3250.90 ts=1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=2070680.40 ts=1581715538454)
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] compare: 1581715537029 1581715538454
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 1581715538454, 2070680.4000000001 ] ]
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Found bundle for host localhost: 0x1053860 [can pipeline]
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x1055010)
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Sent 41 bytes..
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1581715538454, 2070680.4000000001 ] ]' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
[Feb 14 22:25:38][chn0] emptied all (1) values
[Feb 14 22:25:38][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:38][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:39][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:39][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0
[Feb 14 22:25:39][mtr0] Got 7 new readings from meter:

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