[vz-users] S0-Zähler ziert sich noch

Erich Hagen erich.hagen at gmx.com
Sun Oct 11 09:46:44 CEST 2015

Hallo Matthias,

vielen Dank für deinen Tipp.
Der war genau richtig. Das kleine „i“ war eben zu wenig.

Schöne Grüße,

> Am 10.10.2015 um 18:42 schrieb Matthias Behr <mbehr at mcbehr.de>:
> Schreib „Impulse“ in der Config mal mit großem I. Ich weiß nicht, die die Suche case-insensitive ist.
>>   "uuid": „...ea8df",
>>          "identifier": "impulse“,
>> Am 10.10.2015 um 18:15 schrieb Erich Hagen <erich.hagen at gmx.com <mailto:erich.hagen at gmx.com>>:
>> Hllo Udo,
>> danke für die Info.
>> Hab den Identifier auf „Impulse“ gesetzt.
>> Am Ergebnis ändert sich nichts.
>> Es wird nichts angezeigt.
>> Gruß, Erich
>> PS:
>> Gibt es eine Beschreibung der Parameter, die ich zu Rate ziehen könnte?
>> Ich möchte deine Unterstützung nicht mit trivialen Dingen überstrapazieren.
>> Ich meine so etwas wie ein Wiki, in dem alle Parameter incl. der gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten beschrieben sind.
>> ===========================
>> pi at raspberrypi ~ $ sudo vzlogger -c /etc/vzlogger.conf -v 15
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][main] vzlogger v0.4.4 based on heads/master-0-g084fa52872 from Mon, 3 Aug 2015 23:00:48 +0200 started.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07]       Start parsing configuration from /etc/vzlogger.conf
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol random.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr0] Interval has to be set and positive!
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr0] Meter configured, disabled.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07]       New meter initialized (protocol=random)
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07]       Configure channel.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...78620a api=volkszaehler id=)
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] Creating new meter with protocol s0.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal gpio.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] Meter configured, enabled.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07]       New meter initialized (protocol=s0)
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07]       Configure channel.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...3ea8df api=volkszaehler id=impulse)
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07]       Have 2 meters.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][main] log level is 15
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][main] daemon=0, local=0
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07]       Process not  daemonized...
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][push] No pushDataServer defined.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][]     ===> Start meters
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr0] Meter for protocol 'random' is disabled. Skipping.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][s0]   counter_thread created
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][s0]   Counter thread started with blocking hwif
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] Meter connection established
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] [Oct 10 17:51:07][S0]   Meter thread startedMeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 1
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] Number of readers: 4
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] Config.daemon: 0
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][mtr1] Config.local: 0
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][chn1] Logging thread started
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: no
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][]     Startup done.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:07][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
>> [Oct 10 17:51:08][s0]   Reading S0 - returning 2 readings (n=1 n_neg = 0)
>> [Oct 10 17:51:08][mtr1] Got 2 new readings from meter:
>> [Oct 10 17:51:08][mtr1] Reading: id=Power/StringItentifier: value=2249.69 ts=1444492268257
>> [Oct 10 17:51:08][mtr1] Reading: id=Impulse/StringItentifier: value=1.00 ts=1444492268257
>> ==============================
>> {
>>  "retry": 1,
>>  "meters": [
>>    {
>>      "enabled": false,
>>      "allowskip": false,
>>      "interval": -1,
>>      "aggtime": -1,
>>      "aggfixedinterval": false,
>>      "channels": [
>>        {
>>          "uuid": „...620a",
>>          "identifier": "",
>>          "api": "volkszaehler",
>>          "middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php <http://localhost/middleware.php>",
>>          "secretKey": "",
>>          "type": "device",
>>          "scaler": 1,
>>          "aggmode": "none",
>>          "duplicates": 0
>>        }
>>      ],
>>      "protocol": "random",
>>      "min": 0.0,
>>      "max": 10.0,
>>      "device": "",
>>      "gpio": -1,
>>      "mmap": "",
>>      "gpio_dir": -1,
>>      "configureGPIO": false,
>>      "resolution": 1000,
>>      "send_zero": false,
>>      "debounce_delay": 30,
>>      "nonblocking_delay": 100000
>>    },
>>    {
>>      "enabled": true,
>>      "allowskip": false,
>>      "interval": -1,
>>      "aggtime": 5,
>>      "aggfixedinterval": true,
>>      "aggmode": "SUM",
>>      "channels": [
>>        {
>>      "uuid": „...ea8df",
>>          "identifier": "impulse",
>>          "api": "volkszaehler",
>>          "middleware": "http://localhost/middleware.php <http://localhost/middleware.php>",
>>          "secretKey": "",
>>          "type": "device",
>>          "scaler": 1,
>>          "aggmode": "none",
>>          "duplicates": 0
>>        }
>>      ],
>>      "protocol": "s0",
>>      "device": "1.8.1",
>>      "gpio": 4,
>>      "mmap": "",
>>      "gpio_dir": -1,
>>      "configureGPIO": true,
>>      "identifier":"impulse",
>>      "resolution": 1600,
>>      "send_zero": false,
>>      "debounce_delay": 30,
>>      "nonblocking_delay": 100000
>>    }
>>  ]
>> }
>> ===========================
>>> Am 10.10.2015 um 17:33 schrieb Udo1 <udo1 at gmx.net <mailto:udo1 at gmx.net>>:
>>> Am 10.10.2015 um 16:57 schrieb Erich Hagen:
>>>> "identifier": "",
>>> Fehlt. Für S0:  'Impulse'.
>>> Gruß
>>> Udo
> Gruß
> Matthias

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