[vz-users] Daten aus d0-Zählertelegramm werden nicht an die vzlogger-APIs übertragen

Winfried Peters winfried.peters at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 18:09:40 CET 2016

Bingo. Es funktioniert. Das Wochenende ist gerettet.

Nach einer kleinen Testreihe habe ich eine Kombination gefunden, mit der
mein Zähler identifiziert und das komplette Telegramm gelesen wird. Das Log
sieht auch gleich ganz anders aus.

Aber von vorne:
Mein Zähler benötigt ein Passwort (meine Eigentumsnummer), damit er
antwortet. Das ist die Initialsequenz /?420818!

Meine Testreihe:

   - Test 44: ackseq: auto ; baudrate_change_delay 100:
   Ergebnis: keine Zählerantwort bzw. eine Zeile
   - Test 45: Parameter wie 44, aber mit read_timeout 10:
   Ergebnis wie 44
   - Test 46: Parameter wie 45, aber mit "baudrate": 300:
   Ergebnis: Telegrammfragment bis timeout nach 10s
   - Test 47:Parameter wie 46, aber mit "ackseq": "063034300d0a":
   Ergebnis: wie 46
   - Test 48:Parameter wie 46, aber mit read_timeout 100
   Ergebnis: vollständiges Zählertelegramm und Ausgabe des gewünschten
   Wertes in der httpd-api!!!!

Wie im Dump d0-48.txt zu sehen, wird das Zählertelegramm von Anfang bis
Ende gelesen. Dazu sind ca 92s nötig. Deshalb musste der read_timeout
wieder auf 100 hochgesetzt werden. Hier verstehe ich auch nicht die
Beschreibung des Parameters: optional, default 10s. Timeout value in secs
between single bytes received from device. Irgendwie scheint der Parameter
das komplette Telegramm als Single Byte zu behandeln.

Das bedeutet aber auch, dass das Handshaking der angeforderte baudrate 4800
nicht funktioniert, denn dann müsste das Telegramm schneller gelesen werden.
Wünschenswert wäre eine Musterkonfiguration eines D0-Zählers mit
Passwortinitialisierung und Baudratenwechsel, ohne überflüssige Parameter.
Z.B. habe ich noch  "wait_sync": "off" drin, wobei ich keine Ahnung habe,
was der Parameter steuert. Mir ist auch nicht klar, ob ich "baudrate_read":
4800 setzen muss, wenn ich den Zähler auffordere, in dieser Baudrate zu
senden ("ackseq": "063034300d0a"). Das werde ich als nächstes ausprobieren.
Leider sind die vzlogger-Parameter, wenn überhaupt, schlecht dokumentiert.
So bleibt nur Trial & Error.

Im Anhang Log und Dump zu Testfall 48.

Viele Grüße

Am 16. Januar 2016 um 15:47 schrieb Matthias Behr <mbehr at mcbehr.de>:

> /EMH4\@--ITZ-G0038E
> die 4 steht für 4800 Baud.
> Ich frage mich, ob du Reflexionen am Lesekopf hast:
>  /?420818!
> >>>>> 54.417798573s (    33 ms)
> 2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21                        /?420818!
> da kommt genau die Anforderungsseq zurück.
> Kannst du mal ackseq:auto machen und baudrate_change_delay:100 und mir
> Dump schicken?
> (Falls du mir Zugriff per ssh geben kannst, könnte ich auch mal direkt
> drauf schauen.)
> Am 16.01.2016 um 14:56 schrieb Winfried Peters <winfried.peters at gmail.com
> >:
> Deine Hinweise sind interessant. Ich habe schon mehrere Dutzend
> Parametervarianten erfolglos durchdekliniert. Da waren auch kleinere
> baudrate_change_delay dabei als auch ackseq-Sequenzen von 300 bis 9600
> Baud. Ich hatte z.B. schon mal mit "ackseq": "063034300d0a“ und
> "baudrate_read": 4800 oder "ackseq": "auto“ erfolglos experimentiert.
> read_timeout ist deshalb so groß, weil ein kompletter Lesezyklus des
> übermittelten Zählertelegramms ca. 90 Sekunden (mit Baud 300) benötigt. Bei
> kleineren Werten erfolgte immer ein Timeout.
> Wahrscheinlicht liegt das Geheimnis ja in der richtigen
> Parameterkombination. Laut Auskunft meines Stromnetzbetreibers ist der
> Zähler mit 2400 oder 4800 Baud auszulesen. Das habe ich aber weder mit
> HTerm als auch mit verschiedenen vzlogger-Parameterkombinationen
> hinbekommen. Nur 300 Baud hat funktioniert.
> Aber vielleicht hat ja bei meinen Versuchen immer der "read_timeout 100"
> im Weg gestanden. Ich werde weiter testen. Inzwischen habe ich dazu das
> Issue #233 aufgemacht.
> Woran erkennst Du, dass mein Zähler mit 4800 Baud kommunizieren will?
> Viele Grüße
> Am 16. Januar 2016 um 14:07 schrieb Matthias Behr <mbehr at mcbehr.de>:
>> Hast du mal
>> baudrate_change_delay
>> kleiner gemacht?
>> Und mal „ackseq“: „auto“ probiert? (Bist du sicher, dass der Logger kein
>> ACKSEQ braucht? Er meldet, dass er eigentlich mit Baudrate 4800 arbeiten
>> will. Normalerweise erfolgt nach der Pullseq mit 300 Baud eine Baudraten
>> Umschaltung.
>> Und mach mal „read_timeout“ kleiner. Das 100 ist eher störend.d
>> Am 16.01.2016 um 13:42 schrieb Winfried Peters <winfried.peters at gmail.com
>> >:
>> Hallo,
>> "vzlogger.conf.conf" war ein Schreibfehler. Grundsätzlich habe ich mit
>> dem Aufruf "vzlogger -c /etc/vzlogger.conf -l" keine Probleme. HTTPd wird
>> damit gestartet.
>> @Andreas: Ich werde ein Issue aufmachen.
>> Viele Grüße
>> Winfried
>> Am 16. Januar 2016 um 11:16 schrieb Udo1 <udo1 at gmx.net>:
>>> Am 16.01.2016 um 10:06 schrieb Winfried Peters:
>>>> [Jan 16 09:48:17][main] vzlogger v0.5.1 based on
>>>> heads/master-0-g11364f0d0d-dirty from Sat, 22 Aug 2015 09:23:50 -0700
>>>> started.
>>> Zur Klarstellung. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen YPORT+ auf
>>> OpenWrt-Basis. vzlogger ist die aktuelle Version. Die Meldung ist falsch:
>>> based on heads/master-0-g11364f0d0d-dirty from Sat, 22 Aug 2015 09:23:50
>>> -0700
>>> root at OpenWrt:/etc# vzlogger -c vzlogger.conf.conf -l
>>> Der Aufruf ist mir immer noch suspekt. Kann man vzlogger so aufrufen?
>>> Gruß
>>> Udo
>> Gruß
>> Matthias
> Gruß
> Matthias
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[Jan 16 17:21:01]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
[Jan 16 17:21:01][push] No pushDataServer defined.
[Jan 16 17:21:01][]     ===> Start meters
[Jan 16 17:21:01][mtr0] Meter connection established
[Jan 16 17:21:01][mtr0] Meter thread started
[Jan 16 17:21:01][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
[Jan 16 17:21:01][chn0] Logging thread started
[Jan 16 17:21:01][http] Starting local interface HTTPd on port 8080
[Jan 16 17:21:01][]     Startup done.
[Jan 16 17:21:01][chn0] Start logging thread for null-api. Running as daemon: yes
[Jan 16 17:21:01][chn0] Using null api- meter data available via local httpd if enabled.
[Jan 16 17:21:01][mtr0] Number of readers: 400
[Jan 16 17:21:01][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
[Jan 16 17:21:01][mtr0] Config.local: 1
[Jan 16 17:21:01][d0]   sending pullsequenz send (len:11 is:11).
[Jan 16 17:21:01][d0]   Read package with 0 tuples (vendor=, baudrate= , identification=)
[Jan 16 17:21:01][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
[Jan 16 17:21:01][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0): {}
[Jan 16 17:21:01][d0]   sending pullsequenz send (len:11 is:11).
[Jan 16 17:21:02][d0]   Read package with 0 tuples (vendor=w�G�!Jan 16 , baudrate= , identification=w�� )
[Jan 16 17:21:02][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
[Jan 16 17:21:02][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0): {}
[Jan 16 17:21:02][d0]   sending pullsequenz send (len:11 is:11).
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte F hex= 46 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte F hex= 46 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=F.F, value=00000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.0.0, value=00420818, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.0.1, value=02256230, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.0, value=65, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*65, value=0160101000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*64, value=0151201000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*63, value=0151101000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*62, value=1151001000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*61, value=1150901000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*60, value=1150801000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*59, value=1150701000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*58, value=1150601000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*57, value=1150501000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*56, value=1150401000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*55, value=0150301000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*54, value=0150201000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*53, value=0150101000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*52, value=0141201000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.1.2*51, value=0141101000000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.2.0, value=60700000, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.2.1*01, value=09120202, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= A hex= 41 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.2.1*50, value=091202A2, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte=   hex= 20 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte=   hex= 20 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte=   hex= 20 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte=   hex= 20 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte=   hex= 20 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.2.2, value=     999, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.9.1, value=0172721, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= ) hex= 29 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=0.9.2, value=0160116, unit=)
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0, value=024548.68, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:25][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*65, value=024342.11, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*64, value=023945.32, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*63, value=023526.38, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*62, value=023109.31, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*61, value=022733.25, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*60, value=022377.08, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:30][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*59, value=022116.11, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*58, value=021739.10, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*57, value=021320.80, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*56, value=020897.16, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*55, value=020468.68, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*54, value=020081.02, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:35][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*53, value=019635.70, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*52, value=019189.68, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:36][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.0*51, value=018778.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:37][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1, value=024542.66, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:38][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*65, value=024336.08, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:39][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*64, value=023939.30, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*63, value=023520.35, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:40][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*62, value=023103.29, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:41][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*61, value=022727.22, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:42][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*60, value=022371.05, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:43][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*59, value=022110.09, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:44][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*58, value=021733.07, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*57, value=021314.77, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:45][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/ mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:21:46][180a] ==> number of tuples: 0
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*56, value=020891.13, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:46][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*55, value=020462.66, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/ mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:21:47][180a] ==> number of tuples: 0
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:47][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*54, value=020075.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/ mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:21:48][180a] ==> number of tuples: 0
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:48][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*53, value=019629.68, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:49][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*52, value=019183.65, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.1*51, value=018771.99, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:50][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:51][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*65, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:52][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*64, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:53][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*63, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*62, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:54][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*61, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:55][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*60, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:21:56][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*59, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:57][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*58, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:58][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*57, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*56, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:21:59][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/120e mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:22:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/121a mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/120a mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:22:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/121e mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*55, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:00][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*54, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:01][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*53, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:02][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*52, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:03][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.2*51, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:04][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*65, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:05][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*64, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:06][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*63, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:07][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*62, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:08][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*61, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*60, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:09][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*59, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:10][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*58, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:11][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*57, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:12][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*56, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:13][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*55, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*54, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:14][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*53, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:15][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*52, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:16][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.3*51, value=000002.00, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:17][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*65, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:18][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*64, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:19][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*63, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:20][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*62, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:21][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*61, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:22][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*60, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*59, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:23][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*58, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:24][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*57, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:25][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*56, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:26][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*55, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:27][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*54, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*53, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:28][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*52, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:29][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte * hex= 2A 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.8.4*51, value=000002.01, unit=kWh)
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:30][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=1.25, value=00.53, unit=kW)
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 6 hex= 36 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=31.25, value=00.69, unit=A)
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:31][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=51.25, value=01.22, unit=A)
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 1 hex= 31 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=71.25, value=00.42, unit=A)
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:32][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 9 hex= 39 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 8 hex= 38 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=32.25, value=229.8, unit=V)
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 4 hex= 34 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=52.25, value=230.4, unit=V)
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 7 hex= 37 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte . hex= 2E 
[Jan 16 17:22:33][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 5 hex= 35 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte ( hex= 28 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 2 hex= 32 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 3 hex= 33 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= . hex= 2e 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= 0 hex= 30 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG VALUE byte= * hex= 2a 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   Parsed reading (OBIS code=72.25, value=230.0, unit=V)
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   DEBUG OBIS_CODE byte 
 hex= A 
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   Read package with 112 tuples (vendor=w�G�!Jan 16 , baudrate= , identification=w�� )
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Got 112 new readings from meter:
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:97.97.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:97.97.255*255 value=0.00 ts=1452961266882
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.0.0*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.0.0*255 value=420818.00 ts=1452961267449
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.0.1*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.0.1*255 value=2256230.00 ts=1452961268015
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.0*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.0*255 value=65.00 ts=1452961268382
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*65/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*65 value=160101000000.00 ts=1452961269215
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*64/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*64 value=151201000000.00 ts=1452961270048
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*63/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*63 value=151101000000.00 ts=1452961270882
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*62/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*62 value=1151001000000.00 ts=1452961271715
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*61/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*61 value=1150901000000.00 ts=1452961272548
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*60/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*60 value=1150801000000.00 ts=1452961273381
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*59/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*59 value=1150701000000.00 ts=1452961274215
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*58/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*58 value=1150601000000.00 ts=1452961275048
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*57/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*57 value=1150501000000.00 ts=1452961275881
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*56/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*56 value=1150401000000.00 ts=1452961276715
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*55/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*55 value=150301000000.00 ts=1452961277548
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*54/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*54 value=150201000000.00 ts=1452961278381
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*53/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*53 value=150101000000.00 ts=1452961279214
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*52/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*52 value=141201000000.00 ts=1452961280048
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.1.2*51/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.1.2*51 value=141101000000.00 ts=1452961280881
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.2.0*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.2.0*255 value=60700000.00 ts=1452961281447
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.2.1*1/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.2.1*1 value=9120202.00 ts=1452961282114
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.2.1*50/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.2.1*50 value=91202.00 ts=1452961282781
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.2.2*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.2.2*255 value=999.00 ts=1452961283347
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.9.1*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.9.1*255 value=172721.00 ts=1452961283881
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:0.9.2*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:0.9.2*255 value=160116.00 ts=1452961284414
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*255 value=24548.68 ts=1452961285147
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*65/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*65 value=24342.11 ts=1452961285980
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*64/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*64 value=23945.32 ts=1452961286814
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*63/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*63 value=23526.38 ts=1452961287647
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*62/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*62 value=23109.31 ts=1452961288480
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*61/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*61 value=22733.25 ts=1452961289313
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*60/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*60 value=22377.08 ts=1452961290147
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*59/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*59 value=22116.11 ts=1452961290980
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*58/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*58 value=21739.10 ts=1452961291813
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*57/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*57 value=21320.80 ts=1452961292647
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*56/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*56 value=20897.16 ts=1452961293480
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*55/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*55 value=20468.68 ts=1452961294313
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*54/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*54 value=20081.02 ts=1452961295146
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*53/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*53 value=19635.70 ts=1452961295980
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*52/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*52 value=19189.68 ts=1452961296813
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.0*51/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.0*51 value=18778.01 ts=1452961297646
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*255 value=24542.66 ts=1452961298380
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*65/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*65 value=24336.08 ts=1452961299214
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*64/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*64 value=23939.30 ts=1452961300047
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*63/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*63 value=23520.35 ts=1452961300880
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*62/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*62 value=23103.29 ts=1452961301714
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*61/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*61 value=22727.22 ts=1452961302547
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*60/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*60 value=22371.05 ts=1452961303380
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*59/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*59 value=22110.09 ts=1452961304213
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*58/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*58 value=21733.07 ts=1452961305047
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*57/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*57 value=21314.77 ts=1452961305880
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*56/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*56 value=20891.13 ts=1452961306713
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*55/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*55 value=20462.66 ts=1452961307546
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*54/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*54 value=20075.00 ts=1452961308380
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*53/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*53 value=19629.68 ts=1452961309213
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*52/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*52 value=19183.65 ts=1452961310046
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.1*51/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.1*51 value=18771.99 ts=1452961310880
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*255 value=2.00 ts=1452961311613
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*65/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*65 value=2.00 ts=1452961312446
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*64/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*64 value=2.00 ts=1452961313279
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*63/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*63 value=2.00 ts=1452961314113
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*62/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*62 value=2.00 ts=1452961314946
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*61/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*61 value=2.00 ts=1452961315779
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*60/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*60 value=2.00 ts=1452961316612
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*59/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*59 value=2.00 ts=1452961317446
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*58/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*58 value=2.00 ts=1452961318279
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*57/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*57 value=2.00 ts=1452961319112
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*56/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*56 value=2.00 ts=1452961319945
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*55/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*55 value=2.00 ts=1452961320779
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*54/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*54 value=2.00 ts=1452961321612
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*53/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*53 value=2.00 ts=1452961322445
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*52/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*52 value=2.00 ts=1452961323279
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.2*51/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.2*51 value=2.00 ts=1452961324112
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*255 value=2.00 ts=1452961324845
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*65/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*65 value=2.00 ts=1452961325678
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*64/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*64 value=2.00 ts=1452961326512
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*63/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*63 value=2.00 ts=1452961327345
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*62/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*62 value=2.00 ts=1452961328178
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*61/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*61 value=2.00 ts=1452961329011
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*60/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*60 value=2.00 ts=1452961329845
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*59/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*59 value=2.00 ts=1452961330678
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*58/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*58 value=2.00 ts=1452961331511
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*57/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*57 value=2.00 ts=1452961332344
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*56/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*56 value=2.00 ts=1452961333179
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*55/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*55 value=2.00 ts=1452961334012
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*54/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*54 value=2.00 ts=1452961334845
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*53/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*53 value=2.00 ts=1452961335679
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*52/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*52 value=2.00 ts=1452961336512
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.3*51/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.3*51 value=2.00 ts=1452961337345
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*255 value=2.01 ts=1452961338078
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*65/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*65 value=2.01 ts=1452961338912
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*64/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*64 value=2.01 ts=1452961339745
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*63/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*63 value=2.01 ts=1452961340578
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*62/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*62 value=2.01 ts=1452961341411
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*61/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*61 value=2.01 ts=1452961342245
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*60/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*60 value=2.01 ts=1452961343078
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*59/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*59 value=2.01 ts=1452961343911
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*58/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*58 value=2.01 ts=1452961344745
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*57/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*57 value=2.01 ts=1452961345578
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*56/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*56 value=2.01 ts=1452961346411
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*55/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*55 value=2.01 ts=1452961347244
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*54/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*54 value=2.01 ts=1452961348078
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*53/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*53 value=2.01 ts=1452961348911
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*52/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*52 value=2.01 ts=1452961349744
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.8.4*51/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.8.4*51 value=2.01 ts=1452961350577
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:1.25.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:1.25.255*255 value=0.53 ts=1452961351111
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:31.25.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:31.25.255*255 value=0.69 ts=1452961351644
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:51.25.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:51.25.255*255 value=1.22 ts=1452961352177
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:71.25.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:71.25.255*255 value=0.42 ts=1452961352711
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:32.25.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:32.25.255*255 value=229.80 ts=1452961353244
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:52.25.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:52.25.255*255 value=230.40 ts=1452961353777
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Reading: id=255-255:72.25.255*255/ObisItentifier:255-255:72.25.255*255 value=230.00 ts=1452961354311
[Jan 16 17:22:34][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=24548.68 ts=1452961285147)
[Jan 16 17:22:34][MAX]  24548.680000 @ 1452961285147
[Jan 16 17:22:34][MAX]  RESULT 24548.680000 @ 1452961285147
[Jan 16 17:22:34][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0): {}
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   sending pullsequenz send (len:11 is:11).
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   Read package with 0 tuples (vendor=w�G�!Jan 16 , baudrate= , identification=)
[Jan 16 17:22:34][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
[Jan 16 17:22:34][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0): {}
[Jan 16 17:22:34][d0]   sending pullsequenz send (len:11 is:11).
[Jan 16 17:22:35][d0]   Read package with 0 tuples (vendor=w�G�!Jan 16 , baudrate= , identification=)
[Jan 16 17:22:35][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
[Jan 16 17:22:35][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0): {}
[Jan 16 17:22:35][d0]   sending pullsequenz send (len:11 is:11).
[Jan 16 17:22:35][d0]   Read package with 0 tuples (vendor=w�G�!Jan 16 , baudrate= , identification=)
[Jan 16 17:22:35][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
[Jan 16 17:22:35][chn0] Buffer dump (size=0): {}
[Jan 16 17:22:35][d0]   sending pullsequenz send (len:11 is:11).
[Jan 16 17:22:42][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/ mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:22:42][180a] ==> number of tuples: 1
[Jan 16 17:23:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/120a mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:23:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/120e mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:23:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/121e mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:23:00][http] Local request received: method=GET url=/121a mode=(null)
[Jan 16 17:23:14]       MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
[Jan 16 17:23:14]       Closing connections to terminate
[Jan 16 17:23:14][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
[Jan 16 17:23:14][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
[Jan 16 17:23:14][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
[Jan 16 17:23:14][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
[Jan 16 17:23:14][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
-------------- next part --------------

#####  9.115072840s (     0 ms) opened
#####  9.128487610s (    13 ms) read
#####  9.128549102s (     0 ms) TCIOFLUSH and cfsetiospeed
<<<<<  9.228818544s (   100 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21 0d 0a                  /?420818!        

>>>>>  9.259190282s (    31 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21                        /?420818!        

#####  9.527514002s (   268 ms) read
#####  9.527570089s (     0 ms) TCIOFLUSH and cfsetiospeed
<<<<<  9.627826366s (   100 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21 0d 0a                  /?420818!        

>>>>>  9.628491086s (     1 ms) 
0a 0a 2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21                    /?420818!      

#####  9.929464938s (   301 ms) read
#####  9.929521425s (     0 ms) TCIOFLUSH and cfsetiospeed
<<<<< 10.029772122s (   100 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21 0d 0a                  /?420818!        

>>>>> 10.030507499s (     1 ms) 
0a 0a 2f 3f 34 32 30 38 10 08 00 00 10 5c 40 2d     /?4208     \@- 
2d 49 54 5a 2d 47 30 30 33 38 45 0a 0a 02 46 2e   -ITZ-G0038E   F. 
46 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 30   F(00000000)  0.0 
2e 30 28 30 30 34 32 30 38 31 38 29 0a 0a 30 2e   .0(00420818)  0. 
30 2e 31 28 30 32 32 35 36 32 33 30 29 0a 0a 30   0.1(02256230)  0 
2e 31 2e 30 28 36 35 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a   .1.0(65)  0.1.2* 
36 35 28 30 31 36 30 31 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30   65(0160101000000 
29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 36 34 28 30 31 35 31   )  0.1.2*64(0151 
32 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e   201000000)  0.1. 
32 2a 36 33 28 30 31 35 31 31 30 31 30 30 30 30   2*63(01511010000 
30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 36 32 28 31 31   00)  0.1.2*62(11 
35 31 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e   51001000000)  0. 
31 2e 32 2a 36 31 28 31 31 35 30 39 30 31 30 30   1.2*61(115090100 
30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 36 30 28   0000)  0.1.2*60( 
31 31 35 30 38 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a   1150801000000)   
30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 39 28 31 31 35 30 37 30 31   0.1.2*59(1150701 
30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35   000000)  0.1.2*5 
38 28 31 31 35 30 36 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29   8(1150601000000) 
0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 37 28 31 31 35 30 35     0.1.2*57(11505 
30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32   01000000)  0.1.2 
2a 35 36 28 31 31 35 30 34 30 31 30 30 30 30 30   *56(115040100000 
30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 35 28 30 31 35   0)  0.1.2*55(015 
30 33 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31   0301000000)  0.1 
2e 32 2a 35 34 28 30 31 35 30 32 30 31 30 30 30   .2*54(0150201000 
30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 33 28 30   000)  0.1.2*53(0 
31 35 30 31 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30   150101000000)  0 
2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 32 28 30 31 34 31 32 30 31 30   .1.2*52(01412010 
30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 31   00000)  0.1.2*51 
28 30 31 34 31 31 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a   (0141101000000)  
0a 30 2e 32 2e 30 28 36 30 37 30 30 30 30 30 29    0.2.0(60700000) 
0a 0a 30 2e 32 2e 31 2a 30 31 28 30 39 31 32 30     0.2.1*01(09120 
32 30 32 29 0a 0a 30 2e 32 2e 31 2a 35 30 28 30   202)  0.2.1*50(0 
39 31 32 30 32 41 32 29 0a 0a 30 2e 32 2e 32 28   91202A2)  0.2.2( 
20 20 20 20 20 39 39 39 29 0a 0a 30 2e 39 2e 31        999)  0.9.1 
28 30 31 37 32 37 32 31 29 0a 0a 30 2e 39 2e 32   (0172721)  0.9.2 
28 30 31 36 30 31 31 36 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30   (0160116)  1.8.0 
28 30 32 34 35 34 38 2e 36 38 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a   (024548.68*kWh)  
0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 35 28 30 32 34 33 34 32    1.8.0*65(024342 
2e 31 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a   .11*kWh)  1.8.0* 
36 34 28 30 32 33 39 34 35 2e 33 32 2a 6b 57 68   64(023945.32*kWh 
29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 33 28 30 32 33 35   )  1.8.0*63(0235 
32 36 2e 33 38 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e   26.38*kWh)  1.8. 
30 2a 36 32 28 30 32 33 31 30 39 2e 33 31 2a 6b   0*62(023109.31*k 
57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 31 28 30 32   Wh)  1.8.0*61(02 
32 37 33 33 2e 32 35 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e   2733.25*kWh)  1. 
38 2e 30 2a 36 30 28 30 32 32 33 37 37 2e 30 38   8.0*60(022377.08 
2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 39 28   *kWh)  1.8.0*59( 
30 32 32 31 31 36 2e 31 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a   022116.11*kWh)   
31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 38 28 30 32 31 37 33 39 2e   1.8.0*58(021739. 
31 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35   10*kWh)  1.8.0*5 
37 28 30 32 31 33 32 30 2e 38 30 2a 6b 57 68 29   7(021320.80*kWh) 
0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 36 28 30 32 30 38 39     1.8.0*56(02089 
37 2e 31 36 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30   7.16*kWh)  1.8.0 
2a 35 35 28 30 32 30 34 36 38 2e 36 38 2a 6b 57   *55(020468.68*kW 
68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 34 28 30 32 30   h)  1.8.0*54(020 
30 38 31 2e 30 32 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38   081.02*kWh)  1.8 
2e 30 2a 35 33 28 30 31 39 36 33 35 2e 37 30 2a   .0*53(019635.70* 
6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 32 28 30   kWh)  1.8.0*52(0 
31 39 31 38 39 2e 36 38 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31   19189.68*kWh)  1 
2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 31 28 30 31 38 37 37 38 2e 30   .8.0*51(018778.0 
31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 28 30 32   1*kWh)  1.8.1(02 
34 35 34 32 2e 36 36 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e   4542.66*kWh)  1. 
38 2e 31 2a 36 35 28 30 32 34 33 33 36 2e 30 38   8.1*65(024336.08 
2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 36 34 28   *kWh)  1.8.1*64( 
30 32 33 39 33 39 2e 33 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a   023939.30*kWh)   
31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 36 33 28 30 32 33 35 32 30 2e   1.8.1*63(023520. 
33 35 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 36   35*kWh)  1.8.1*6 
32 28 30 32 33 31 30 33 2e 32 39 2a 6b 57 68 29   2(023103.29*kWh) 
0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 36 31 28 30 32 32 37 32     1.8.1*61(02272 
37 2e 32 32 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31   7.22*kWh)  1.8.1 
2a 36 30 28 30 32 32 33 37 31 2e 30 35 2a 6b 57   *60(022371.05*kW 
68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 35 39 28 30 32 32   h)  1.8.1*59(022 
31 31 30 2e 30 39 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38   110.09*kWh)  1.8 
2e 31 2a 35 38 28 30 32 31 37 33 33 2e 30 37 2a   .1*58(021733.07* 
6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 35 37 28 30   kWh)  1.8.1*57(0 
32 31 33 31 34 2e 37 37 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31   21314.77*kWh)  1 
2e 38 2e 31 2a 35 36 28 30 32 30 38 39 31 2e 31   .8.1*56(020891.1 
33 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 35 35   3*kWh)  1.8.1*55 
28 30 32 30 34 36 32 2e 36 36 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a   (020462.66*kWh)  
0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 35 34 28 30 32 30 30 37 35    1.8.1*54(020075 
2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a   .00*kWh)  1.8.1* 
35 33 28 30 31 39 36 32 39 2e 36 38 2a 6b 57 68   53(019629.68*kWh 
29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 35 32 28 30 31 39 31   )  1.8.1*52(0191 
38 33 2e 36 35 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e   83.65*kWh)  1.8. 
31 2a 35 31 28 30 31 38 37 37 31 2e 39 39 2a 6b   1*51(018771.99*k 
57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 28 30 30 30 30 30   Wh)  1.8.2(00000 
32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32   2.00*kWh)  1.8.2 
2a 36 35 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57   *65(000002.00*kW 
68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 36 34 28 30 30 30   h)  1.8.2*64(000 
30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38   002.00*kWh)  1.8 
2e 32 2a 36 33 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a   .2*63(000002.00* 
6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 36 32 28 30   kWh)  1.8.2*62(0 
30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31   00002.00*kWh)  1 
2e 38 2e 32 2a 36 31 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30   .8.2*61(000002.0 
30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 36 30   0*kWh)  1.8.2*60 
28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a   (000002.00*kWh)  
0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 35 39 28 30 30 30 30 30 32    1.8.2*59(000002 
2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a   .00*kWh)  1.8.2* 
35 38 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68   58(000002.00*kWh 
29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 35 37 28 30 30 30 30   )  1.8.2*57(0000 
30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e   02.00*kWh)  1.8. 
32 2a 35 36 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b   2*56(000002.00*k 
57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 35 35 28 30 30   Wh)  1.8.2*55(00 
30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e   0002.00*kWh)  1. 
38 2e 32 2a 35 34 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30   8.2*54(000002.00 
2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 35 33 28   *kWh)  1.8.2*53( 
30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a   000002.00*kWh)   
31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 35 32 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e   1.8.2*52(000002. 
30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 32 2a 35   00*kWh)  1.8.2*5 
31 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29   1(000002.00*kWh) 
0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30     1.8.3(000002.0 
30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 36 35   0*kWh)  1.8.3*65 
28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a   (000002.00*kWh)  
0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 36 34 28 30 30 30 30 30 32    1.8.3*64(000002 
2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a   .00*kWh)  1.8.3* 
36 33 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68   63(000002.00*kWh 
29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 36 32 28 30 30 30 30   )  1.8.3*62(0000 
30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e   02.00*kWh)  1.8. 
33 2a 36 31 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b   3*61(000002.00*k 
57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 36 30 28 30 30   Wh)  1.8.3*60(00 
30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e   0002.00*kWh)  1. 
38 2e 33 2a 35 39 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30   8.3*59(000002.00 
2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 35 38 28   *kWh)  1.8.3*58( 
30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a   000002.00*kWh)   
31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 35 37 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e   1.8.3*57(000002. 
30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 35   00*kWh)  1.8.3*5 
36 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29   6(000002.00*kWh) 
0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 35 35 28 30 30 30 30 30     1.8.3*55(00000 
32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33   2.00*kWh)  1.8.3 
2a 35 34 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57   *54(000002.00*kW 
68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 35 33 28 30 30 30   h)  1.8.3*53(000 
30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38   002.00*kWh)  1.8 
2e 33 2a 35 32 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a   .3*52(000002.00* 
6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 33 2a 35 31 28 30   kWh)  1.8.3*51(0 
30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31   00002.00*kWh)  1 
2e 38 2e 34 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b   .8.4(000002.01*k 
57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 36 35 28 30 30   Wh)  1.8.4*65(00 
30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e   0002.01*kWh)  1. 
38 2e 34 2a 36 34 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31   8.4*64(000002.01 
2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 36 33 28   *kWh)  1.8.4*63( 
30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a   000002.01*kWh)   
31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 36 32 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e   1.8.4*62(000002. 
30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 36   01*kWh)  1.8.4*6 
31 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29   1(000002.01*kWh) 
0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 36 30 28 30 30 30 30 30     1.8.4*60(00000 
32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34   2.01*kWh)  1.8.4 
2a 35 39 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57   *59(000002.01*kW 
68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 35 38 28 30 30 30   h)  1.8.4*58(000 
30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38   002.01*kWh)  1.8 
2e 34 2a 35 37 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a   .4*57(000002.01* 
6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 35 36 28 30   kWh)  1.8.4*56(0 
30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31   00002.01*kWh)  1 
2e 38 2e 34 2a 35 35 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30   .8.4*55(000002.0 
31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 35 34   1*kWh)  1.8.4*54 
28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a   (000002.01*kWh)  
0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 35 33 28 30 30 30 30 30 32    1.8.4*53(000002 
2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a   .01*kWh)  1.8.4* 
35 32 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68   52(000002.01*kWh 
29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 34 2a 35 31 28 30 30 30 30   )  1.8.4*51(0000 
30 32 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 32 35   02.01*kWh)  1.25 
28 30 30 2e 35 33 2a 6b 57 29 0a 0a 33 31 2e 32   (00.53*kW)  31.2 
35 28 30 30 2e 36 39 2a 41 29 0a 0a 35 31 2e 32   5(00.69*A)  51.2 
35 28 30 31 2e 32 32 2a 41 29 0a 0a 37 31 2e 32   5(01.22*A)  71.2 
35 28 30 30 2e 34 32 2a 41 29 0a 0a 33 32 2e 32   5(00.42*A)  32.2 
35 28 32 32 39 2e 38 2a 56 29 0a 0a 35 32 2e 32   5(229.8*V)  52.2 
35 28 32 33 30 2e 34 2a 56 29 0a 0a 37 32 2e 32   5(230.4*V)  72.2 
35 28 32 33 30 2e 30 2a 56 29 0a 0a 21            5(230.0*V)  !    

#####  2.171896651s ( 92141 ms) read
#####  2.171953383s (     0 ms) TCIOFLUSH and cfsetiospeed
<<<<<  2.272237866s (   101 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21 0d 0a                  /?420818!        

>>>>>  2.272796363s (     0 ms) 
03 64 2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21                   d/?420818!      

#####  2.572508362s (   300 ms) read
#####  2.572564608s (     0 ms) TCIOFLUSH and cfsetiospeed
<<<<<  2.672828225s (   100 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21 0d 0a                  /?420818!        

>>>>>  2.673446234s (     1 ms) 
0a 0a 2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21                    /?420818!      

#####  2.973315108s (   300 ms) read
#####  2.973371715s (     0 ms) TCIOFLUSH and cfsetiospeed
<<<<<  3.073618926s (   100 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21 0d 0a                  /?420818!        

>>>>>  3.074292992s (     1 ms) 
0a 0a 2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 28 21                    /?42081(!      

#####  3.375319491s (   301 ms) read
#####  3.375376208s (     0 ms) TCIOFLUSH and cfsetiospeed
<<<<<  3.475620979s (   100 ms) 
2f 3f 34 32 30 38 31 38 21 0d 0a                  /?420818!        

>>>>>  3.476291315s (     1 ms) 
00 02 63 04 2b 20 02 20 10 40 38 00 00 0a 42 2b     c +    @8   B+ 
0a 0a 02 46 2e 46 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29      F.F(00000000) 
0a 0a 30 2e 30 2e 30 28 30 30 34 32 30 38 31 38     0.0.0(00420818 
29 0a 0a 30 2e 30 2e 31 28 30 32 32 35 36 32 33   )  0.0.1(0225623 
30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 30 28 36 35 29 0a 0a 30   0)  0.1.0(65)  0 
2e 31 2e 32 2a 36 35 28 30 31 36 30 31 30 31 30   .1.2*65(01601010 
30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 36 34   00000)  0.1.2*64 
28 30 31 35 31 32 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a   (0151201000000)  
0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 36 33 28 30 31 35 31 31 30    0.1.2*63(015110 
31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a   1000000)  0.1.2* 
36 32 28 31 31 35 31 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30   62(1151001000000 
29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 36 31 28 31 31 35 30   )  0.1.2*61(1150 
39 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e   901000000)  0.1. 
32 2a 36 30 28 31 31 35 30 38 30 31 30 30 30 30   2*60(11508010000 
30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 39 28 31 31   00)  0.1.2*59(11 
35 30 37 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e   50701000000)  0. 
31 2e 32 2a 35 38 28 31 31 35 30 36 30 31 30 30   1.2*58(115060100 
30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 37 28   0000)  0.1.2*57( 
31 31 35 30 35 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a   1150501000000)   
30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 36 28 31 31 35 30 34 30 31   0.1.2*56(1150401 
30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35   000000)  0.1.2*5 
35 28 30 31 35 30 33 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29   5(0150301000000) 
0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 34 28 30 31 35 30 32     0.1.2*54(01502 
30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32   01000000)  0.1.2 
2a 35 33 28 30 31 35 30 31 30 31 30 30 30 30 30   *53(015010100000 
30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31 2e 32 2a 35 32 28 30 31 34   0)  0.1.2*52(014 
31 32 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 31   1201000000)  0.1 
2e 32 2a 35 31 28 30 31 34 31 31 30 31 30 30 30   .2*51(0141101000 
30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 32 2e 30 28 36 30 37 30   000)  0.2.0(6070 
30 30 30 30 29 0a 0a 30 2e 32 2e 31 2a 30 31 28   0000)  0.2.1*01( 
30 39 31 32 30 32 30 32 29 0a 0a 30 2e 32 2e 31   09120202)  0.2.1 
2a 35 30 28 30 39 31 32 30 32 41 32 29 0a 0a 30   *50(091202A2)  0 
2e 32 2e 32 28 20 20 20 20 20 39 39 39 29 0a 0a   .2.2(     999)   
30 2e 39 2e 31 28 30 31 37 32 38 35 34 29 0a 0a   0.9.1(0172854)   
30 2e 39 2e 32 28 30 31 36 30 31 31 36 29 0a 0a   0.9.2(0160116)   
31 2e 38 2e 30 28 30 32 34 35 34 38 2e 37 30 2a   1.8.0(024548.70* 
6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 35 28 30   kWh)  1.8.0*65(0 
32 34 33 34 32 2e 31 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31   24342.11*kWh)  1 
2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 34 28 30 32 33 39 34 35 2e 33   .8.0*64(023945.3 
32 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 33   2*kWh)  1.8.0*63 
28 30 32 33 35 32 36 2e 33 38 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a   (023526.38*kWh)  
0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 32 28 30 32 33 31 30 39    1.8.0*62(023109 
2e 33 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a   .31*kWh)  1.8.0* 
36 31 28 30 32 32 37 33 33 2e 32 35 2a 6b 57 68   61(022733.25*kWh 
29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 36 30 28 30 32 32 33   )  1.8.0*60(0223 
37 37 2e 30 38 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e   77.08*kWh)  1.8. 
30 2a 35 39 28 30 32 32 31 31 36 2e 31 31 2a 6b   0*59(022116.11*k 
57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 38 28 30 32   Wh)  1.8.0*58(02 
31 37 33 39 2e 31 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e   1739.10*kWh)  1. 
38 2e 30 2a 35 37 28 30 32 31 33 32 30 2e 38 30   8.0*57(021320.80 
2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 36 28   *kWh)  1.8.0*56( 
30 32 30 38 39 37 2e 31 36 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a   020897.16*kWh)   
31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 35 28 30 32 30 34 36 38 2e   1.8.0*55(020468. 
36 38 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35   68*kWh)  1.8.0*5 
34 28 30 32 30 30 38 31 2e 30 32 2a 6b 57 68 29   4(020081.02*kWh) 
0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 33 28 30 31 39 36 33     1.8.0*53(01963 
35 2e 37 30 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30   5.70*kWh)  1.8.0 
2a 35 32 28 30 31 39 31 38 39 2e 36 38 2a 6b 57   *52(019189.68*kW 
68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 30 2a 35 31 28 30 31 38   h)  1.8.0*51(018 
37 37 38 2e 30 31 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38   778.01*kWh)  1.8 
2e 31 28 30 32 34 35 34 32 2e 36 37 2a 6b 57 68   .1(024542.67*kWh 
29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 36 35 28 30 32 34 33   )  1.8.1*65(0243 
33 36 2e 30 38 2a 6b 57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e   36.08*kWh)  1.8. 
31 2a 36 34 28 30 32 33 39 33 39 2e 33 30 2a 6b   1*64(023939.30*k 
57 68 29 0a 0a 31 2e 38 2e 31 2a 36 33 28 30 32   Wh)  1.8.1*63(02 
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##### 41.715760591s ( 38239 ms) closed

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